More seniors are afraid of losing their independence in old age and being forced to move into an assisted living facility than they are of dying, a new survey, by the national Disabled Living Foundation charity.

As eldercare becomes increasingly more expensive, more than 66% of seniors fear becoming a burden on friends or family in their old age.

While three in four seniors said they feared becoming sick in their golden years, just 29% said they feared dying, according to the survey.

The survey, from the national Disabled Living Foundation charity, also
found almost 50% of seniors feared moving into an assisted living facility.

As our population of senior citizens increases, we will start to realize the huge impact it will have on our health care system. With the recession devastating many retirees and seniors approaching retirement with substantially less pensions, almost 50% feared being financially less secure as they aged.

Seniors want to remain in control over their own lives, to be independent and to live securely. They want to be ably to take care of themselves and carry out the everyday tasks that so many of us take for granted.  Bathing, using the restroom, cooking, getting dressed, just to name a few.

Becoming a senior should not be a roadblock to having choice and control over the quality of your life, or be a reason to move out of your own home.

Many seniors just need help and advice about devices such as medical alert systems that exist to help keep them safe while also giving them back their independence and peace of mind.