Traditionally, getting a crown to replace a cracked or broken tooth took several days. A model of the damaged tooth and surrounding area had to be first created with a mold and this had to be sent to dental lab to make the crown. You then got a temporary replacement until the final crown was ready, which would take a week or more. You would need to return to the dentist’s office to have the temporary removed and the new crown fitted.
According to a recent Detroit Free Press report, the scenario has changed greatly in recent years - digital imaging technology has improved workflow and reduced patient wait times for tooth replacement. Technological advancements such as computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) are allowing dentists to provide their patients with crowns on the first visit.
Use of CAD in Dental Offices
Both dental laboratories and the dental offices are using computer-aided design for crowns as well as for inlays, onlays, veneers, fixed partial dentures, implant abutments, and other dental restorations. A digital scan is taken of the mouth using a special oral camera. These high-resolution dental digital photo images in 3-D format appear on the computer screen so that the patient can see them. The computer software then recommends the optimal dimensions of the crown based on the shape and size of the damaged tooth. The dentist prepares the digital image and sends it to the machine that produces the ceramic crown to be fixed to the patient’s tooth. This same-day crown procedure takes just about two hours. The use of CAD/CAM technology in dental practices offers benefits for both the patient and the dentist: - Allows dentists to do lab-grade restorations in their offices - Extremely precise restorations - Customized fittings - Durable individual or multiple-tooth restorations - Reduces the need for multiple office visits by the patient - Reduces patient wait time for dental restoration - Smooth workflow pattern in dental offices The advancements in technology have made the digital integration of clinical care, diagnostics and patient communication smooth and efficient. Special lasers are also being used for detecting cavities and placing filings, which eliminates the need for scalpels, drills and sutures. This reduces pain and trauma for the patient, eliminates the need for anesthesia, and ensure precise implant placement. Advanced systems have made digital image capturing much more accurate. All these advancements also aid in digitization of office records, and the creation of an efficient document management system for dental offices. Document Management System for Dental Offices
In addition to dental care patient records, dental offices are moving from paper-based documents on insurance claims, walkout statements, patient education brochures, and much more. Digitizing these documents is important to maintain an efficient dental practice. Quick and easy access of records ensures a smooth workflow. Advanced document management software is available to provide a customized interface to dental care facilities. A good EMR (Electronic Medical Record)is also an efficient way of improving digitization. * The system allows marking and tagging of patient data and documentation to categorize, index, and preserve specific notes and records. * The software allows easy digitization and indexing as it supports the process of document scanning, emailing, or faxing of information.
* Documents can be automatically sorted and organized in proper locations. * All details regarding a particular patient such as insurance, medical, allergenic and radiology documentation are filed for easy access and retrieval. Dental offices can implement a web-based document management system or an in-house document management system. Assigning the task to a document management company is the best option when it comes to a customized, affordable solution.