We are now accepting applications for the 2012 Eno-COMTO Robert H. Prince, Jr. Scholarship! This scholarship is awarded annually to a senior leader in the transit industry who has a career goal of becoming a transit General Manager/CEO in a rural, small urban, or urban transit agency. The selected candidate will receive funding to attend the Eno Center for Transportation Leadership Transit Executive Seminar. Applications are due by January 13, 2012.

To apply for the Robert H. Prince, Jr. Scholarship, candidates must complete the standard application for the Transit Executive Seminar, along with the scholarship application form and a statement of 500-750 words addressing the following topics:

  • Agency size
  • Funding need
  • Their career goal to become a transit General Manager/CEO
  • How participation in the Eno Transit Executive Seminar might help them meet the particular challenges faced by their organization

The Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) and AECOM have honored Robert H. Prince, Jr. for his dedication to the growth and development of emerging leaders in the transit industry by creating the Robert H. Prince, Jr. Scholarship. Mr. Prince has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to the education of the transit workforce in his roles as a leader in the public and private sectors of the transportation industry, in his volunteer commitment to youth in Boston, and as board member of COMTO and the American Public Transportation Foundation.

Apply for this prestigious scholarship today, and feel free to forward this e-mail along to other industry colleagues.