As more and more people are online and moving their daily lives online, we see an increasing use of digital coupons.  A recent report from shows that online coupon growth is outpacing print by 10 to 1.  In 2009, coupon use actually increased for the first time in over two decades.

Yahoo! reported that searches for coupons was it's top economic related query in 2009 surpassing stimulus plan, unemployment and cash for clunkers.

Local businesses should consider using  coupons – both digital and printed – as part of their marketing strategy.

A few Examples of ways businesses can leverage coupons in their marketing plan:

  • Add a promotion to a coupon site such as
  • Offer their coupons exclusive to fans of their Facebook or Twitter profiles.
  • Include coupons in direct mail campaigns
  • Put on the back of business cards or menus
  • Offer coupons with google

Partnering with other local merchants is even a possibility.  Combining coupon offers if the products or services complement each other also know as horizontal marketing.  For example, a  chiropractic office promoting with a local gym.

The opportunities are endless, the most important thing is offering a coupon.  Recession-minded customers will appreciate them and will often return the favor with repeat business.

Long Island Marketing