Did you know that if you are fair skinned, you are more at risk for facial spider veins? As you certainly know, people with fair skin have a higher tendency for their skin to be more damaged by the sun than their darker skinned friends. Sun damage can cause a variety of harmful skin issues, the most immediately noticeable of which are sunburns. Repeated sunburns cause damage the skin, and skin damage caused by the sun can lead to facial spider veins. So yes, sunburns and spider veins can go hand in hand (sometimes). Spider veins can be completely unrelated to sun exposure, however, so if you have spider veins already, they may well not have been caused by too much fun in the sun.
What can you do to protect your skin against facial spider veins? I'd say your number one defense is to wear daily sunscreen with a high sun protection factor. You should probably be doing this anyway if you are frequently exposed to strong sunlight, as it can prevent a plethora of other medical complications in the future.If you have already noticed spider veins on your face,the Veinwave may be an option to eliminate them.Veinwave involves radiowave pulsed on the vein to close it so you don't have the visible spider veins anymore. Luckily, facial spider veins are usually more of a cosmetic nuisance than a painful medical problem, as varicose veins can be. Your doctor can help you determine whether or not your spider veins are a substantial problem, or merely something you wish to be rid of for aesthetic reasons.