Blogs from Businesses in Goodland, KS

Financial Planning $olutions, LLC

Contact us at (855) 604-3522 in Goodland, KS, for financial consulting and other financial planning services. Financial Planning $olutions, LLC 509 Washington Street Goodland, KS 67735 Phone:    8556043522 Contact Email: Keywords: financial consulting, financial planning services, goodland, ks more

By Financial Planning $olutions, LLC May 24, 2015

Shelter Insurance - James Alcorn

As a Shelter Agent in Goodland I'm proud to serve this community. Shelter offers great rates and coverage options for your auto, home&life insurance. We're your Shield. We're your Shelter. more

By Shelter Insurance - James Alcorn April 25, 2015

S & M Repair LLC

Insurance Service Goodland Kansas - Shelter Insurance - James Alcorn

You can get life insurance does not have to be hard. The Shelter Express Termâ„¢ policy simplifies the process. If the winter weather sends you sliding, make sure you have the right amount of collision coverage. From jewelry to antique guns and golf equipment, we have just the coverage for you. We can help you that how to set clear goals and how an action plan can help you achieve them. We also accept digital insurance cards. We cover Auto insurance, Home Insurance, Renters Insurance, Business Insurance, Life Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, Boat Insurance, RV Insurance, Personal Articles Insurance, Farm Insurance, and ATV Insurance. more

By Shelter Insurance - James Alcorn February 03, 2015

Search Engine Optimization Training

Search Engine Optimization Training Search Engine Optimization training (SEO training) is necessary if you are new to the worldwide web and want your website to be successful. There are several SEO training courses that you can take advantage of. Here are just a few of them:, run by Arin Wall, is the largest online SEO training course available and you can attend this course without even leaving your home. The training program provides hundreds of articles and videos, advanced SEO tools, and practical tips to help you market your website, obtain the best search engine rankings, get better website monetization, and improve conversion rates, among other things. works for one-man-show websites as well as large corporations and the material is presented so that you can just go along at your own pace. offers training that focuses on the best way to optimize your landing pages, offline and online web analytics, link-building and ROI (return-on-investment) conversion. It extensively covers both national and even very local search engine marketing strategies and the seminars offered are geared to help usiness owners and executives that are just learning or who have fallen behind on what is necessary in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) terms. Jason Lavin conducts these seminars follows through with step-by-step examples to emphasize the main points.  WebiMax is renowned worldwide for being one of the most reputable online marketing firms. The company has been on MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc. magazine and other reputable media outlets. Located in New Jersey, this company boasts more than 45 full time employees who adhere to the full-service approach to web-based marketing. The company works with large corporations as well as new start-ups and grants the same importance to each. Ken Wisnefski leads this search engine optimization training, using the experience and knowledge that he has acquired in his more than 10 years of successful internet marketing. Another unique advantage of WebiMax is that it does not require you to sign any long-term contracts. Rather, you can take advantage of the training on a monthly basis. All new customers get a free marketing analysis to help you decide it WebiMax is the right training for you. 4MoreHits focuses on improving your website's structure, content and reputability in its Search Engine Optimization training. All employees are SEO experts, with over 10 years experience in Search Engine Marketing as well as Automotive SEO. Their focus is on how to use relevant keywords through extensive keyword analysis. Keywords are the key and all other efforts will be wasted if you do not get this crucial step right. The 4MoreHits team, in addition to Search Engine Optimization training offered, makes sure that your website is set up correctly and eliminates and bad links, missing meta-tags, and other small details that can bring your website up to the top of search engine ranking. We also offer 2 video courses on SEO and 16 ebooks. more

By CliffatGoodlandLLC August 12, 2013

Tips Search Engine Optimization

Tips for Search Engine Optimization Tips for Search Engine Optimization are widely sought after as this is a crucial aspect to generating traffic and income from your website. SEO experts will focus on different tips that have helped themselves or their clients to be profitable. Here are some that they all agree on.  1. Don't put any time or effort into a website without first taking a look at your search engine optimization strategy. Your efforts will be wasted if you do so. 2. On the other hand, you can do all of the SEO that you want but if it is not based in good content, then this is also a waste of time. Make sure that the content you are offering on your website is original, valuable and problem-solving. This will bring in the best kind of links -- the organic ones. People will link to you naturally because you have something of value that they want to provide to your readers. Updating your content will increase your rankings. Try to add fresh, useful content to your pages on a regular basis. The search engines favor this. The "look and feel" of your website is also important, but not as important as the content. However, photos, graphs, pictures, or images and an easy-to-navigate site will help you in terms of sEO. 3. Make sure that you include an original title tag on every page of your site, and make sure that it includes your keyword. Many people make the mistake of putting the name of their company in these titles but in general your company name will not get too many searches while your keywords will.  4. Don't forget internal linking. When you use anchor text within your site, make sure that the linked text is a keyword or keyword phrase, and not something like "click here". 5. This is one of the more overlooked tips for search engine optimization. Most people think of link-building in terms of quantity. But the reality is that the quality of the incoming links are much important than the quantity. One simple link from a high-quality site can offer you much greater results than lots of poor quality links, which can actually hurt your ranking.  6. Broaden your way of communicating to include video, powerpoints, podcasts, news, press releases, social content and so forth. The more different ways you can communicate what you have to offer, the better you will look in the eyes of the search engine. If you were to choose just one other form of communication, let it be video. Video is extremely hot and growing in popularity every day.  7. Make it easy for your visitors to increase your site's ranking. Add what can be termed "viral components" to your web site or blog such as bookmarking, reviews, ratings, visitor comments, and sharing tools. 8. And the last of these tips for search engine optimization, do not underestimate or discount the power of social marketing. This is a great contributor to SEO. more

By CliffatGoodlandLLC August 12, 2013

Online Marketing 2

There are so many internet marketing products available today, from methods and systems to teach people how to make money to scripts and software that help speed up the process.  However, just like with any other information product, not everything is as good as the sales page may make it out to be. Or, in some cases, it just isn’t a good fit with the person buying it. If you have decided to invest in internet marketing products then try and keep the following tips in mind.  1. Who is the author? Before you buy, try and dig a little deeper to find out who the author of the book, system or method is. This is not as important with scripts and software, but with information products it’s good to know who you are buying from. Unfortunately, the internet has allowed many to make money without actually having any knowledge of what they are writing about and this doesn’t bode well for anyone buying a new money making system.  2. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. If internet marketing products promise you that you can make $5,000 in the next 50 minutes, you would likely not believe it. Then why would you believe an internet marketing product that says you can make $10,000 in a month, even if the time span is longer?  Remember that internet marketing is essentially a business and a business can take quite a bit of time before it becomes profitable, so be patient.  3. Don’t give in to your emotions. Sometimes you want to believe in something so much that you overlook the cold, hard facts that are screaming at you that it is impossible for all these internet marketing products to deliver on their promises.  Yet, here you are putting your PayPal information in again to buy the latest shiny toy, even though you probably have a hard drive full of products you have never read.  4. Take action. This is one of the biggest problems in internet marketing today. People buy so many systems but never implement even one. They keep on looking for the Holy Grail without actually putting in the work to see whether or not they already have it in their grasp.  They jump from product to product, with no clear goal in sight hoping they will find that one product where they can push a button and their PayPal will receive money automatically. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that and you still need to put some work in. All the internet marketing products out there combined will not make you money if you do not put the work in.  5. Give it time. Just like with a diet, internet marketing products and the systems they offer need a little time. By their very nature, search engines take time before they rank a site and you are tempted to scrap a system within 24 hours of trying it because it doesn’t work.  Remember that you need to give anything a chance for at least 30 days to really judge how effective it is. If after thirty days you have not seen any progress, then by all means switch to a different system. Visit Create Your Own Free For 30 days at CliffatGoodlandLLC more

By CliffatGoodlandLLC November 21, 2012

Online Marketing

Many people wonder why internet marketing is such an important thing. In today’s world, you have to be sure that you are getting your name and business in front of people. If you aren’t doing this online, you aren’t even coming close to your potential.  Internet Marketing Basics  You need to know some of the basics of internet marketing before you can just jump right into it. Getting some books on the subject or consulting with a professional is always a good idea. You need to understand the benefits you can gain if you want to understand why internet marketing can be so effective for boosting the bottom line for any business enterprise.  Learn Where You Can  There are a great many books and magazines on the subject that you can delve into. Set aside time to do this on a weekly if not daily basis. If you are planning on making a living online, then the more time you devote to studying it, the more likely you are to succeed in your pursuit.  If you want more in-depth learning on the subject, you may be able to find some courses that will help you. Colleges often host classes on why internet marketing is an important aspect of a business. These may be found through the college, or through a local small business association.  One of the very best places to learn about internet marketing is from someone who works with it every day. If you know anyone in the marketing industry, or can make contacts somehow, do so.  If you can gain knowledge from someone who has hands on experience, you may be able to avoid many of the pitfalls that some people face when they are just starting out in marketing. Talk to them whenever you can, and ask them questions regarding why internet marketing is so effective for them and how you might translate those tactics to your own business.  Look at the Competition  Take some time to study your competition’s marketing campaigns. Try to find the marketing of as many businesses that are similar to yours as you can. This will give you a good idea of how they are using online marketing.  Some people wonder why the internet marketing of the competition is important, but the answer to this is simple. If they are getting a lot of business and growing, they must be doing something right. If they are failing, you may be able to get some ideas on what not to do.  As you can see, there are many different ways in which you can learn a lot about internet marketing. Once you know something about it, you will be able to start applying it to your website and your business. Before too long, you should start seeing increased traffic and sales. Then you may just find yourself happily ahead of the competition.  It is easy to see why internet marketing should be taken very seriously. If you want to survive in the online community, you have to be able to prove your mettle. Without internet marketing, you will be lost among the thousands of other businesses out there. So find some good resources and get to learning. We can Help visit CliffatGoodlandLLC more

By CliffatGoodlandLLC November 21, 2012

Online Marketing

In today’s world it is easy to underestimate the importance of internet marketing. Advertising and communications are everywhere, and people can forget how delicate a process marketing can be. To get the full benefit of internet marketing, you need to make sure that you understand how to use it in the right ways.  Do Your Research  Researching your internet marketing strategy cannot be stressed enough. You need to know what it is and how you can use it to your advantage. Most importantly, you need to know how your competitors are using it to their advantage. Only then will you be able to grasp the importance of internet marketing and be able to use it to its fullest extent.  There are many places where you can learn about internet marketing. Lots of books are released on the subject every year and there are even periodicals devoted to it. Finally, you can look around online for information as long as you are careful about the websites you get your information from.  Doing it Right  By investing time in research, you can learn various very effective ways of implementing marketing strategies online. Some people really don’t think there is a right or wrong way to market online, but this simply isn’t true. There are the basics, such as having good grammar and a captivating ad campaign, but it goes beyond that.  One thing you need to think about is that you can’t just stick the online equivalent of a brochure up and think that is marketing. Maybe that is part of it, but it isn’t going to cut it overall. The importance of internet marketing lies in the ability to really communicate with your potential customers in ways that cannot be done with off-line advertising.  You need to know what internet marketing is capable of before you get too far into it. Only then will you be able to do it right and get the very best results possible.  Continue to Grow Your Marketing  As with other types of advertising, you need to constantly shift and change your online marketing. People easily become bored with seeing the same campaign over and over. They get inured to certain things over time. So you need to be ready to change up your marketing.  This is another aspect of the importance of internet marketing that many people overlook. Just like your business, if your marketing doesn’t change and keep up with the times, it will fail. To keep this from happening, keep your eye on popular shifts in advertising and communicating. Also make sure that you watch your client feedback carefully when you make changes in your marketing. If you don’t you could miss crucial fluctuations in your sales or visitors.  By understanding the importance of internet marketing, you will put yourself in a better position for success. Read up on internet marketing and the trends that it goes though so you can anticipate changes. Also make sure you are using the internet to its fullest advantage. By doing this, you will make it more likely that your business will end up on top. more

By CliffatGoodlandLLC October 02, 2012

Looking to get Higher Local Search Results?Here are some Free Tips.

Looking to get Higher Local Search Results?Here are some Free Tips. How does my business get better local search results on any search engine? When ever you do Google search for a business they(search engines)show the top results for the keyword you entered.These results are not always the best ones.The business that show up maybe do not have good content or good backlinks either.Needless to say they are there. Reason being they are there and yours not is because of the KEYWORD.Also because of the geographic area of the search query.So it is very  relevant to have your business keywords in the right catorgies. Some of the most important facts to get local results on google,bing,yahoo any of them will be the following things: #1.Making sure you have following in all listing world wide the same exact to the letter Company name physical address po address city state zip area code+phone# fax# website mobile site contact email #2.Having all your catogries in proper association with each other in local services. #3.By having the nearest address to the center of the search query. #4.Having important links and information in your domain authority.By doing this improving your seo efforts.(content) #5.All listing the same,no differences Some of the negative influences that impact your local listing. #1.Any type of mismatched phone # across any listing #2.Cloaking your site in any way #3.Not having a crawlable website or listing for google or any other search engine #4.Not user friendly site #5.Any type of business change(any) Remember things to get you going the right path.Having all your catorgies sorted out by location keywords in local. Having a higher ranking in Bing,Google,Yahoo will get your more customers and sales.Most importantly more exposure will lead to more sales,more searchs,social media and more customers.Make sure you analyze and tweak all your pages,websites,listing!Something changes in the company,change everywhere! Search engines can be expained like this  "Search Engines Are Answering Machines"  In other words Answer The Call Hope this has helped in some way.What i wanted to know is when did they call? Did not leave message.That's another problem!More on that later!Got any answers on the message? Show Up on Every Search Result by Formulating an Effective Marketing Plan;=24&products_id=961 Detail your objectives, identify your target market and connect with your customers with a successful marketing plan! Author CliffatGoodlandLLC by Clifford Petry 323 E 13th Goodland,Ks 67735 1-785-890-5155 Web contact Heres another good one + Making Google Plus Work You may think that i am using Webstarts as a free member i am Pro.I choose to promote Webstarts as their Support is OUTSTANDING! more

By CliffatGoodlandLLC August 20, 2012

How often Should You Work On Follow Ups

How Often Should You Work On Your Follow Up? It’s true that you will easily get to the point where you can automate a lot of your follow up: And if it isn’t literally on autopilot, it will eventually feel like it is. “How soon?” you ask.   That depends solely on you.  The best way to create excellent and solid follow up is to set aside time every day.  Create your follow up emails one day, load them into the autoresponder the next, check your “support@” webmail or email daily. This latter is the most important thing you can do, if you are handling all your customer support yourself.  Dealing with problems or questions, promptly and personally, will set you way above other marketers who have previously given the message (even if it doesn’t happen to be true) that they’re too “big” to bother with mere mortals. Being Effective If you do choose to handle your customer support daily, however, make sure you do it by setting aside a specific period, at a specific time, each day. Don’t fall into the trap of being reactive, dashing to answer an email whenever it comes in – that’s the quickest road to customer support burnout and an exercise in leaking perhaps hours out of your day, every day. Answering customer requests and helping solve problems within a 24 hour period is pretty darned impressive, by today’s standards. And having to wait a few hours teaches your customer that you respect both yourself and your business. If an incoming email reports a complaint or problem, however – give it top priority! (And that, of course, goes for refunds, too. All refunds should be given promptly and cheerfully, if you’re not letting ClickBank or your shopping cart automatically do it.) Of course, you don’t need to sit there twiddling your thumbs, if there are no queries or complaints. Work on your follow up emails for the rest of the hour; or on something else – just check your “support@” email periodically till the hour is done. Then close the program, so you won’t be tempted to start checking it. But if your customer service period spills over to needing more than one hour a day – time to call in an assistant! (Just make sure that both of you are on line with how you want things handled.) So set aside that hour or half hour every day, and hang out your shingle: “The Doctor is In” (metaphorically speaking).  It will not only build confidence in your customers, if you’re there within 24 hours to answer questions or solve problems, you’ll find it creates confidence and competence in yourself – within a very short period of time! So set aside that hour or half hour every day, and start creating that best follow up asset of all – reliable follow up habits. Get My Free Follow-Up 4Pro Report And Discover Why You Need To Follow Up With Your Customers! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource: clifford petry Permission is granted to freely reprint the above content as long as the content stays in it's original form including this resource box. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- more

By CliffatGoodlandLLC August 18, 2012

Customer Follow Ups

Are You a Follow up Flake? “Follow up flake – well, that certainly doesn’t describe me,” you say. Or maybe, because you saw the title and you’re actually reading this, you’re more humble than many and you’re simply hoping you’ll find out it isn’t you. Follow up flakes come in all shapes and sizes. - Experienced marketers who have gotten careless - Brand new marketers to whom thinking up a headline is so new, it feels like neurosurgery - Mr. Intuition, who flies by the seat of his pants, and is so busy planning (in his head) his next brand new campaign, he didn’t do more than dash off a single follow up letter for the one that he just completed - Marketers who sometimes send out follow up emails… and sometimes allow themselves to get distracted by life The Missing Link You can bet they all have one thing in common. Something that’s missing from every single follow up scenario listed above… …and that would a Plan.  Yes, Follow Up Plan with a capital “P”. It doesn’t matter how brilliant or innovative you are how seasoned you are… or how new: Creating in advance a simple follow up plan will help you anticipate: - Obstacles - Things to be done - Things to check It will also help you analyze: - Your targeting - Your follow up content value - Your timing - Whether it includes all the important elements (such as calls to action, powerful headlines) that it needs to have   What’s Stopping You? No one wants to be a flake – especially when it comes to follow up. Why make contact with a perfectly good customer, only to drive her away? So let’s look at 3 of the biggest common objections to creating a follow up plan: 1. “I don’t have time” If you found yourself nodding in agreement with # 1, you’re not a flake: You’re just mistaken.  Taking the time to plan for proper follow up will actually save you time – and increase your profits and list.  It’s worth every second of the investment. Get out of the “Reactive” zone and focus only on the campaign at hand. If you really are short of time, jettison something else – but don’t give up on planning your follow up. Since statistics have proven follow up can easily be responsible for well over half your total sales, continuing in the same reactive path really would be flaky. 2. “I don’t need one, it’s a waste of time” If this is you, well, you’re skating perilously close to the flake zone. Look at some of the reasons you need a follow up plan in the answer to # 1, above. (I’d go into more detail, but you’ve probably already dashed off to put out a different fire.) 3. “It’s too hard…” You’re definitely not a flake. Most likely, you’re a newer marketer… or you’re simply inexperienced. First, let me reassure you that creating a balanced follow up plan is easier than you may think. There are lots of great special reports and free tips floating around the net. Book an afternoon for yourself and invest the time in success.  Download one today. Get My Free Follow-Up 4Pro Report And Discover Why You Need To Follow Up With Your Customers! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource: clifford petry Permission is granted to freely reprint the above content as long as the content stays in it's original form including this resource box. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- more

By CliffatGoodlandLLC August 18, 2012

Free Music CDs, Free Audio Cassettes, Free DVDs, and more...

Moonlight Entertainment&Sales is giving away... Free Music CDs, Free Audio Cassettes, Free DVDs, and more... while supplies last. If you don't mind paying a little shipping&handling, you can load up your shopping cart full of our freebies. We currently have over 100 freebies available. Here are just a handful of some examples... Free Music CDs Bon Jovi Pearl Jam Lauryn Hill My Lucky Day Big Bad Voodoo Daddy George Strait Free Music Cassettes Ishtar Alabina Stonewall Jackson Way 2 Real Vanilla Ice John Cougar Mellencamp Bizzy Bones The more free stuff we can give away, the more free stuff we can offer. And we have pallets and pallets of free stuff just waiting to be listed for giveaway. So load up your shopping carts, and tell your friends about our freebies too! more

By Moonlight Entertainment & Sales January 31, 2011

100 Below Wholesale Music Cassettes (Free Delivery) for only $55.55

Who said music cassettes are dead? Get 100 Assorted Music Cassettes, at way below wholesale, for only $55.55 with Free Shipping anywhere in the USA. These are randomly selected cassette tapes from yesteryear, with several genres and artists. Lots of music and something for everybody. To order, visit us online to get your 100 Assorted Music Cassettes more

By Moonlight Entertainment & Sales May 06, 2010

100 Below Wholesale Spanish DVDs (Free Delivery) for only $169.95

Get 100 Assorted Spanish DVDs at Below Wholesale. We just reduced our price from $169.95 to our New Low Price of only $129.95 with Free Shipping anywhere in the USA&Canada. These are great for growing your collection or resell. To order, please visit us online at more

By Moonlight Entertainment & Sales May 01, 2010

Recent Reviews View all

El Reynaldo's Real Mexican Food



My husband and i stopped and tried this place and were not impressed at all!!! I know Mexican food due to the fact of loving in Mexico and their food was nasty to say the most for it!!! We both threw it out and went next door to Taco Johns!!! I would not feed Reynaldo's to my dog!! more

Amazing Hair & Nails


By effie

I thought the job she did on my nails was sort of sloppy more

McBs Motor Company Towing and Repair


By CliffatGoodlandLLC

My wife and I where new to the area.We are in St.Francis,Ks on US 36 at the yard sale event.Well we went to several sales about 75 miles of them.Getting bargins.So we decided to get a bite.When we got got in the car would not run.Searched Wrecker Company's in the cell.Came up with McB's Motor Company Goodland,Ks.Called them up said it would be about 40 minutes out.Waited about 5 minutes and a Red Wrecker pulls up.Very kind young man.Tell him we live in Goodland and would like to go home.Sure he says go ahead and get in and I will get you home.We have State Farm Insurance so it was not a problem for them.So 35 minutes later we where sitting in front of the house.Service was outstanding.Who knew at that time 1 and half years later i would be working at McB's Motor Company doing the same for all.Butch pry's himself on being Safe,Curious,Caring and Friendly to All. more

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