ceithin my go that eventually jolted through my personal the vision we use to see each other and the world. I am normally outstanding and have in me the energy to build up more outstanding, and so are you. We talk about the same core outstanding and same potential to build up more of it to benefits ourselves and others. To exercise with this phrase is to hone our group to open-mindedness attaining beyond tolerance to listening and understanding. To be disciplined with this phrase is to awaken our whole techniques to that our wishes, ideas, hopes and problems are first, outstanding. Repeating this phrase gives us the potential and energy to better handle events and events when our benefits seems far away or losing. We will not be defined by the bad that takes place around us, but rather we will confidently confront it with partnership, regard and the expectation that we each come to the table with an equal potential to issue fix. One sentence? 21 Days? For you? Do you, adult personal that does not need or like silly little gimmicks of self-improvement (neither do I), need to build up this phrase your own? Yes, yes, and yes! We need a activity that covers the airwaves, car bumpers, Twitter-sphere, Facebook-likes and posts that will adorn our techniques, backs and hands, shouting that we are GOOD! 21 Days. One Sentence. I am outstanding and have in mIn our mid decades our females androgenic hormone or testosterone start to lessen resulting in important 





