
K & M Electric Supply, Inc. Blog

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K&M Electric Supply, Inc.

When the clocks struck midnight on January 1, 2015, everyone was rightfully excited. The New Year is like a fresh start for those who are looking to improve upon something over the course of a year. Some decide to hit the gym and eat right. Others want to learn a new skill or visit a new country. Still others want to learn to have better spending habits. If you don’t have any big goals for 2015 and the thought of saving energy in Jupiter, FL sounds good, then give the experts at K & M Ele... READ MORE Posted January 17, 2015 at 11:56 AM

Need Electrical Supplies in Florida?

K&M Electric is your best choice for quality electrical supplies in Palm Beach and Martin Counties. Not only does K & M Electric feature a full sized electrical supply store, but they are also experienced in the field of energy audits. We love nothing more than helping our customers save money on the bulbs, cords and switches they use every day. With an energy audit from a company like K & M Electric, you can save money on your overall energy bills. Who doesn’t love saving money!I... READ MORE Posted May 28, 2013 at 07:49 AM

Save Money on Your Utility Bills with an Energy Audit

Saving money is hard, there’s no doubt about it. It seems like every time you do cut back on unnecessary expenses and save a few bucks, some unforeseen problem arises like car trouble or a leaky roof. Keeping your hard earned dollars in the bank is no small feat, but one easy way to save yourself some sheckles is with your home energy costs. If you’re serious about cutting down on your energy bills and your carbon footprint, companies like K&M Electric specialize in energy savings in Roya... READ MORE Posted April 23, 2013 at 01:30 PM

Energry Saving Royal Palm Beach, FL | K&M Electric

The term “going green” is pretty popular these days as people are looking for ways to be conscience of the environment. It’s pretty clear that our current mass consumer lifestyle is hurting the planet in many different ways. Even doing little things to conserve energy goes a long way in helping out the environment. Conserving energy does more than just save the environment, it also saves you money. Things like adjusting the air conditioner so it’s one degree warmer or turning off all unnecess... READ MORE Posted March 28, 2013 at 07:31 AM

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