Every one of us has come across the question about which packaging is better, plastic or paper. But did we really care about it? No, right! We all had been busy in enjoying the thing beneath the packaging.

But now it's time for all of us to think about it seriously because of the alarming rate of plastic waste on the land and in the water bodies.

Considering the increasing environmental concerns and the awareness of consumers, Many companies have eliminated single-use plastic and are switching to eco-friendly and sustainable packaging options. Aligning your companies products packaging toward sustainable materials will not only help you reduce environmental footprints but it will create brand loyalty among customers.

So, why should you switch to paper packaging?

1. Environment-Friendly: Plastic packaging has adverse effects on our natural habitats and causes environmental damage. They are not renewable and you need UV rays to destroy it, which is harmful to the environment. Paper bags, on the other hand, are environment-friendly and can be recycled.

2. Recyclable: Paper packaging is usually made of wood. So, they can be produced into a variety of options like paper bags, cardboard boxes, paperboard, and many more. Waste papers are also biodegradable so they can be easily degenerated and they do not pile up on dump sites like plastic.

3. Gives your brand a facelift and style: When your product is properly packaged with premium quality paper packaging which has unique designs and patterns that are not just visually appealing to the eye, but also give an air of being trendy to the bag holder. Naturally, people love carrying these bags along with them, thereby, spreading awareness and popularizing your brand and products wherever they go.

4. Made up of sustainable resource: By far, one of the most significant reasons to choose paper packaging is that it’s made from a sustainable resource – trees. They can be re-planted, so the environment doesn’t suffer. But on the other hand, Plastic bags are made from non-renewable resources, such as oil and natural gas.

5. Expands your customer base: People are no more ignorant about the adverse effects of plastic on the environment. Brands using eco-friendly alternatives have a soft corner in the consumer's heart and are more trusted which creates a good brand image and increase the customer count.

6. Great protection for your products: Paper bags typically hold more than twice as much as a plastic bag. It is more durable and it still offers great protection for your products.

7. Adaptable to changes: In paper packaging styles, patterns, designs, shape, and size of the product packaging can be easily changed at the shortest notice. As such, you can always be ahead of the trend and keep your packaging innovative. But in plastic packaging, there is no change and you always have to use those loose unattractive bags.

8. Customizable: In paper packaging, you can get customized and personalized design for your product packaging, which makes you stand out among the competitors. Whereas in plastic packaging you can’t get a lot of customization done.

These are the uses and advantages of high-quality paper carry bags. Paper and eco-friendly packaging have gained immense popularity and attention from the consumers so if you want to grow your business, change your customer perception. Be seen as a brand who is in support of nature by putting in efforts to make your product packaging more brandable and eco-friendly.

If you are eco-friendly and at the same time want to be ahead of your competitors, switch to Java group which will serve your product with sustainable and attractive packaging solutions in Mumbai. Java Group is a specialty supplier of high-quality paper and paperboard solutions to targeted market segments with a focus on innovation, efficiency, and exceptional service.

“Supporting your success with sustainable paper & paperboard solutions.” is their motto.

Be smart, switch to Eco-friendly, go Java.