Jane K. Cristal, P.C., a Nassau County family law firm, was recently hired to assist a client in modifying the terms of her separation agreement. Although the case seemed like an upward battle when it was brought to the attention of the firm, they saw the potential for a successful conclusion and worked tirelessly to see that their client’s expectations were met. When Jane K. Cristal, P.C. was asked to represent the case, their client had previously entered into a binding separation agreement wherein residential custody had been awarded to the father of her children. Just a few months after the agreement was signed by both parties, however, she found that her former husband had begun interfering with her rights to visit the children and that he had even begun to speak about her in a negative light in front of them. For this reason, she began to question her former spouse’s mental stability.

She then decided to see what action she could take to modify the current arrangement in which she was legally bound. At this point, she brought her case the legal team at Jane K. Cristal, P.C. and asked if there was anything that she could do to obtain custody of her children—even though it seemed like a seemingly impossible feat. In the state of New York, the court system often places a measurable amount of weight on the terms of the original agreement, even if the conditions of which were decided upon by both parties. Similarly, the modification would require that the children be moved more than 50 miles from their current home, as well as bring about the need for a change in schools. Instead of advising against this course of action, however, the firm decided to take this case head-on. By formulating a solid legal strategy and preparing a meticulously detailed Affidavit to present to the court, they were able to show that the best interests of the children would be better served within the custody of their client.

Modification proceedings can be difficult to successfully navigate, but with the help of an experienced firm like Jane K. Cristal, P.C., even the most complicated of cases can reach a successful conclusion. It must only be shown that there has been a significant change in the circumstances of the separation agreement, which has therein altered the insurance that the safety, health and welfare of any children are being looked after. As such, if you are currently faced with a similar situation, you should not hesitate to explore your legal options with a knowledgeable attorney from the firm. By visiting their website today and scheduling a free initial consultation, you can begin working toward a successful resolution to your case. Click here to get started: http://www.NassauFamilyLawFirm.com.