So why do we need to detox? Everyday, our body is bombarded by harsh toxins and chemicals from our surrounding environment. Chemicals, pesticides, hormones and other pollutants are found in all the processed foods we eat, leading to chronic illness, depression and obesity.
Under natural circumstances, the body, with the proper nutrition in sufficient quantities and organs of detoxification functioning at optimal levels, is able to eliminate and detox many of these toxic substances safely. The main organs of detoxification, the skin, bowels, liver, kidney and lungs in a natural habitat, will eliminate environmental toxins through perspiration, urination, bowel elimination. Unbalanced Bodies Lead to Illness Unfortunately, we no longer live in a natural world. People today are taking in more toxins than it can safely eliminate resulting in a chronic state of toxicity. Many chronic illnesses like obesity, diabetes and depression can be attributed to the lack of nutrition and overabundance of unwanted substance in the body. Under these conditions, the body loses its natural ability to detoxify at the same rate toxins are introduced to the body. It is at this point that we lose the natural harmony and equilibrium with our body. We Need to Give Our Bodies a Break This is why we need to detox our body. Don’t let the word detox fool you. There is no gimmick, the many forms of detoxification for your body all aim at neutralizing the toxins and restoring your body’s natural ability to eliminate waste and toxins. Think of detox as a reset button for your body. In today’s world, it is unrealistic to eliminate all external toxins completely but by giving our body a helping hand, we can restore its ability to naturally handle the functions of detoxification. Detoxing can have a beneficial effect on all systems of the body, cardiovascular, muscular, nervous, respiratory, reproductive, immune and mental, and eliminate the many chronic illnesses that plague modern society. Get the Ultimate Body Applicator today to start your detoxing process!