During the past week, Big Horn County residents are awakening to the reality that their towns are destroyed, and they are now living in an area that is far worst then any third world nation.  The Crow Indian Reservation was one of the largest supports of Obama, even accepting him into their tribe.  The people of Big Horn County belived in all of Obamas false hopes, and empty promises.  Now, three years later, the same people he promised so much too are Flooded under water, their cities are totally destroyed, and they even don't know where they will get food and water to survive another day.  The Interstate I-90 is closed and destroyed and there is no idea if or when this interstate will ever open.  And what is Obama doing for his Crow Nation?  NOTHING!!!
Obama could care less about the people of Montana.  He only told them what they want to hear so he would receive their votes.  Now, while Montana floods, he parties with the queen of England.  He spends billions of our tax dollars on euro vacations, while there is no money to save Montana.Even the world news media has forgotten Montana.  Every other state is more important.  There is nobody coming to the rescue of Montana residents.  Although, the USA govt is the first one who is always sending money, food, and military to every other country.  Even helping countries and rebels that are against us.Obama has once again shown all of us that he does not care about Montana nor America.  He loyality is not with the USA as he has shown by his actions.  He has lied about his birth, created a fake document, and continued to support terror groups abroad.  It will not be any surprise in the future when his friend Osama comes back from wherever they are hiding him.Now one can only hope the that Crow Nation wakes up to reality and sees that Obama is not one of them.  He is not their friend, but rather he is the one who destroyed their nation.  How high does the water have to rise before the people of Montana see that this storm is not normal, but rather just another result of HAARP.  Obama was too jealous of Montanians having a good vacation lifestyle that he deceided to show them that he can make any place just like New Orleans.