Arizona State Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements

Arizona has a financial responsibility law. It is designed to make sure that any motorist licensed to drive in Arizona has insurance or enough money to pay for damages to others that may be caused by an operator of a motor vehicle.

Bodily Injury Coverage
You must buy bodily injury coverage. Bodily injury coverage is a type of liability insurance. It pays for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering that you cause (for which you are legally responsible or liable) to others due to an automobile accident.

Bodily injury coverage does not pay for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering from any accident. To pay for your injuries and expenses you may buy medical payments coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, and underinsured motorist coverage.

If you do not have any or enough bodily injury coverage and you cause an accident, a court may order you to compensate the people you hurt in the
accident. To decide how much bodily injury coverage you should buy, you must decide (1) how much coverage you can afford to buy and (2) how much of your assets you would be willing to lose if you cause a serious accident. You must buy at least the minimum bodily injury liability limits, but you may buy coverage with higher limits.

The minimum required bodily injury coverage is:

  • $15,000 for the injury or death of one person in any one accident.
  • $30,000 for the injury or death of two or more people in any one accident.

Property Damage Coverage (split limits)
You must buy property damage coverage. Property damage coverage is a type of liability insurance. It pays for the property damage that you cause due to an automobile accident, including damage to buildings or other vehicles or their contents, and damage to fences and road signs. Property damage coverage does not pay for damage to your vehicle. To pay for damages to your vehicle you may buy collision and comprehensive coverage. You must buy at least $10,000 of property damage coverage in Arizona, but you may buy coverage with higher limits. Bodily Injury and Property Damage (combined single limits)
An insurer may sell a motor vehicle policy that combines coverages for bodily injury and property damage claims under one liability limit. In Arizona, you must buy at least the minimum liability limit of $40,000 if you buy combined bodily injury and property damage coverage. You may choose to buy coverage with higher limits. (Source)

Surprise AZ Home Insurance

As everyone's needs are different, it is best to consult your agent to help assess your needs and find the insurance policy that is right for you. Why should I buy home insurance?
Owners: To protect both your house and personal property.
Tenants: To protect your furniture and personal property.
Everyone: Protection against liability for accidents that injure other people or damage their property.
How much home insurance do I need?
Asset Protection: More coverage generally means you will have less to pay out of your own pocket if disaster strikes. You must determine the amount you can financially afford to lose. Depending upon your determination, more insurance may be the answer. You should insure your property to the value you believe your home is worth to obtain maximum protection. You need enough liability coverage to protect yourself from lawsuits resulting from your possible negligence.
Lender Requirements: Your lender may require you to cover the house for at least the amount of the mortgage. This may be too little or too much for your individual circumstances. You are not required to purchase insurance from the insurer recommended by your lender.
Policy Requirements: Insurers may impose some conditions for replacement cost protection, to include your insuring the property to value.
Where can I obtain information about insurance?
Information is available to consumers from a number of sources. These sources include any public library, the Arizona State Insurance Department, consumer groups, consumer publications, your insurance agent, or your insurance company. (Source)
As an independent agent, we represent many different carriers, and as such can find you the best coverage at the best prices. Contact us today to get a free Surprise AZ insurance quote.