The economy does not appear to be on the upswing. In response, business and consumers are becoming far more savvy in their shopping practices.  With big box stores and their huge buying power, apps that allow buyers to comparison-shop in an instant, and companies leery to invest in advertising and long-term service contracts, it’s tougher than ever for small businesses to stay afloat, let alone thrive and grow.

Sounds pretty grim. But the reality is, small business owners are a special breed. They are visionaries with the enough moxie to bring their vision into fruition. Not many of us can say that we have the guts to do the same.

So how do you build your brand without breaking the bank?

Update your website
Get your site in shape. It is crucial to have an attractive layout, fresh, updated content and most of all built to be search engine friendly.

Get Social
LinkedIn, Facebook, &Twitter; are great ways to make contacts, run specials an promotions, and let others know who you are and what you do. Remember, social is the key word here. These sites only work if you’re willing to invest the time and energy.

Submit your business to online directories
They’re all over and most of them are free just like here on Merchant Circle. Take advantage. They allow you to claim your business, and list your products and or services.

Join Your Local Chamber
Get out there and network. Your local chamber offers minglers in both am and pm hours to make it easy to network with other business people and get your name out.

Start A Referral Program
Just because the job may be finished, your relationship with customers shouldn’t end.  It’s a great way to get feedback not only to find the areas of which your business excels but where it can be improved. Word of mouth is key to generating new clients to small businesses. Keeping an open dialog also makes it easier to ask past or existing clients for online reviews.