What is Blood Cancer?

Blood cancer originates from bone marrow and interferes with production and functioning of blood cells which are responsible for production of blood.  Stem cells therefore fail to mature into white, red blood cells and platelets through abnormal cancerous cells production hence the blood cannot fight infections or prevent excessive bleeding.

Blood Cancer Treatment Options:

The blood cancer treatment options are chemotherapy to get the disease in remission followed by an bone marrow transplant.

The 2 types of bone marrow transplants are :-

 1. Autologous stem cell transplantation

The patient is then exposed to chemotherapy to kill the cancer cells present in their body system . Once the discease is n remission, the stem cells are collected and stored in extremely cold conditions or rather frozen.


2. Allogenic stem cell transplantation

Unlike in Autologous stem cell transplantation, in allogenic stem cell transplantation t, stem cells from a donor are introduced into the blood cancer patient's body after a suitable match is identified. On receiving the donor stem cells , the host' immune cells detects the blood cancer cells as foreign and attacks them through an immune response. 

Types of Blood Cancer:

There exists three types of blood cancer namely: 

A) Leukemia

Results from production of abnormal white blood cells in large numbers which cannot fight infections thus incapacitating bone marrow in the production or red blood cells and platelets.

B) Myeloma 

Myeloma cells prevents normal production of antibodies by the plasma cells which fight infections therefore weakening a person's immune system.

C) Non hodgkin lymphoma 

It's where the lymphatic system generates immune cells after removal of excess body fluids .The cancerous lymphoma cells which are abnormal lymphocytes impair the immune system by collecting in lymph nodes and in body tissues. 


Early detection and intervention of blood cancer makes treatment easier and the chances of being cured totally are high so go for cancer check ups and if in need of treatment, consider India. India boasts of some of the best haemotologists in their hospitals, highly qualified doctors who are dedicated to their work, cancer treatment and research centres, low cost blood cancer care that is affordable.