Who would have ever thought...we'd see the day when one of the true dollar stores, would begin accepting manufacturer coupons!  But it has happened and Dollar Tree is leading the way.  Now I want you to know, that I have a call into their offices inquiring as to the decision, because I am genuinely curious, albeit, ecstatic that they made the decision.

Here is what we know about their coupon policy so far:

  • Their register system capability does not allow them to scan the coupons.  So each manufacturer coupon has to be manually input and they will be checking that your coupon matches exactly!  
  • They will  accept only one internet coupon per transaction.

As you may have heard me mention before, there are coupons that we get that I like to call, " recurring coupons ".  Meaning, you don't ever have to worry if these coupons end up expiring on you before you get a chance to use them, because you will always get them.  I know the frustration and anxiety we all get when we fell like we have a "good one", and the coupon ends up expiring before we get a chance to find a deal to match up and use it with.

One good example of these recurring coupons, are some of the makeup ones, like L'oreal and Maybelline cosmetics.  Guess what?  The Dollar Tree carries a selection of these brands!  Don't worry if they are not the color, shade or exact product for your use.  These are still great deals at "free" to give for gifts, trade with other couponers or simply for that young, pre-teen family member that is just now experimenting with cosmetics and you don't want to waste the "good stuff".

One of my hard fast rules when I teach my couponing classses, is that if a deal comes out to something more that I could get at the dollar store for $1, then it's not a good deal to me.  You'll notice that you might have a coupon for say...Speed Stick deodorant that in the end renders the item, $1.27, but was that really a deal when some of the dollar stores sell the same item for just a dollar?

But here are some name brand deals that will now be $.50 and free that I know we have coupons for, and in the past, may not have ever used!

  • L'oreal cosmetics
  • Maybelline cosmetics
  • Brillo Estracell
  • Goya canned beans
  • Marie Callendar muffin mix
  • Reynolds Wrappers
  • Ludens
  • Halls

...to name a few!  Make sure to visit your local Dollar Tree and do what I did.  Make a list of all of their name brand items, go home and match them down to the specific size requirements (.5 fl oz, etc), and go back, coupons in hand and do some damage!