Your home looks like.... and you're embarrassed to have people over.  Well don't fret because Orange County Professional Organizer Marla Stone from I-Deal-Lifestyle is amazing and her team will get you organized 123.  Check out her website at so you can see how inexpensive it is to get some help. 
The beauty of having I-Deal-Lifestyle Organize your home and or business is that they not only get you organized to a T, but they also make the home beautiful and fresh.  They have marvelous interior designers on staff, who for a fraction of the cost of most designers, re-design the furniture placement and help you get the most out of what you own.  Also Marla Stone the owner is a Feng Shui Practitioner who will help you get your space Feng Shui'd.  She is so knowledgeable about how your home, clutter and the cycle of hoarding can really be remedied by understanding what you truly value in life.It is a life altering experience to have this team of talent come into your home, organize you, organize your home, organize your office, organize the bedrooms, organize the closet and organize your life.Don't wait another minute to get organized because every day of frustration looking for your stuff, not having easy access to your stuff or having broken items and or missing items is not in your best interest.  It can lead to confusion, anxiety and even depression.  If you and or your kids or family members suffers from ADD, or ADHD, or OCD the Lifestyle Coaching that goes along with the organizing process is very important and I-Deal-Lifestyle includes that with every organizing job.The company is known to work with people with the most serious and challenging Hoarding and Cluttering and has had great success in breaking the cycle of over-collecting, acquiring and saving behaviors.Marla Stone's phone number is 949-709-7000 and I highly recommend her and the team.