Often I am at a home that has previously been listed perhaps 2 or 3 times before I meet the home sellers. They don't understand why they haven't sold despite being highly affordable. I am often surprised that they don't know why they haven't sold. After all, Homes that Click sellers get more than 75% of their feedback returned to their in box.  I always tell sellers and believe in what I say- if your home doesn't sell with Homes that Click- at least we both know why! We also do an excellent job of follow up.

When a home is listed- one the most important services we can provide is to assist our sellers in getting their homes ready for sale. Even if it takes a few weeks- it is more important to take time to come on the market with the best price and in the best condition for the quickest sale --which will generate the highest offer and price!

Here are a few tips for sellers that are big -time homebuyer "turn offs" and steps you can take as a seller.

1. Stalker-ish sellers. PLEASE leave your home when your home is shown. The agent and the buyers need time to walk around your home in private. They need personal space and conversations while viewing your home. They may discuss what they would like to change about your home- and that is always great because it means they like it enough to want to make your home their own! PLEASE-Give the buyer agent and their clients space, time, and privacy. If there are questions they need answers to - they will contact your listing agent who will contact you direct.

Also- if you receive feedback that you don't like- please don't contact the buyer agent. Discuss the negative feedback with your listing agent. By contacting the buyer agent and blasting them for their negative feedback only makes the process more difficult for everyone. Appreciate what they have said even if you don't like it and understand it is their opinion and it may be valid- even if you don't like it.

2. Dirty, crowded, and smelly houses. Buyers who view your home are making the largest purchase they have ever made in the worse economic conditions most of them have experienced. Your job as a seller is to make your home shine- set it high above all others on the market. I attended a seminar that talked about homes that were Q-tip clean.  I think most sellers understand what that means. Please keep your home clean and do not show it with dirty laundry, dirty dishes piled up, beds not made, countertops dirty, food odors, smelly dog or pet odors including litter boxes not clean or out of the house. There are too many homes on the market to believe the buyers will choose your home because you happen to think it's the best home.  Do what you can to make your home show like a model home from curb appeal, yard, closets, and rooms.

3. Over-pricing. Wow- this is difficult for sellers in today's market. Buyers today need to make sure they  love your home enough to be there 5,7, 10 years or longer. Sellers need to realize there is plenty of information available at buyer's fingertips. Most of them have researched the retail, short sale and foreclosure homes. The last thing a buyer wants to do is argue a seller out of unreasonable expectations or pricing- they would rather move on! As an agent- this is one of the most difficult challenges we have today. I am very honest about value and often the sellers don't like what I may tell them. Some sellers think agents just want a quick sale- and the sellers don't want to accept the agent's pricing. ( there are always those Realtors that will match your idea of pricing even if it isn't correct just to get your listing). Some sellers want to test the market with a too high price with the attitude that a buyer can always make an offer. Please understand, correct pricing is critical today along with condition for a successful sale. Your professional Realtor should assist you with a comparative market analysis and even if you don't like the pricing- please look at the sales and your competition with an open mind. You cannot list your home at the same price as other homes with more curb appeal, more amenities, more square footage and expect to sell. Try to be less emotional about your home, what you have in it, and what you believe it is worth. I know it is difficult. But if you are serious about selling today- you have to be serious about pricing.

If you owe more than your home is realistically worth, you may need to re-examine whether your really want or need to sell , or consider a short sale  if you simply have to sell.

4. New, Ugly Home Improvements. Getting a home ready for today's market is critical to a successful sale. However, spending your money wisely is important. At Homes that Click- we assist our sellers with staging their homes. Please ask your professional Realtor for a reality check about projects you are considering and to help you prioritize which projects to do ( or not do). Instead of spending $20,000 on that less than attractive kitchen, I often encourage sellers to update appliances, knobs, have the cabinets painted, etc. Removing wall paper is important unless you find a buyer that likes it as much as you do- and most sellers today don't even like their own wallpaper. Sellers don't want to spend the time or money to remove wallpaper- and somehow expect buyers to do it. Select neutral finishes that will work for the largest possible range of buyers and invest in your investment wisely.

5. Choose the right agent for you. Choose the right Realtor who is internet savvy and who markets great pictures of your home. I am amazed at some of the pictures I view in the MLS of dirty kitchens, cluttered rooms, and so dark that you can't even view the room. Remember, buyer agents as well as potential buyers are making decisions based on your pictures. It is your first impression. Most buyers today will pass by a home that has no pictures, bad pictures or limited pictures. Great Listing pictures should be part of your Realtor's marketing plan for your home.

Best of luck to you in your home sale- and if we can be of any service- please let us know. Homes that Click- serving Columbus Ohio Sellers and Buyers selling and buying homes for over 9 years!