Whether you believe it to be only half-hearted or with full vigor, it seems that Uncle Sam has made some efforts to try to help the American Homeowner.  One of the more recent programs, called HOPE for Homeowners, or H4H, is one such endeavor.  Backed by FHA and HUD, the program hopes to entice lenders to allow borrowers in trouble to refinance their loans for somewhere between 90% and 96.5% of current appraised value.  As a result, the lender would be asked to accept the loss associated with the declining property values.  The success of such programs is heavily dependent on the voluntary participation of lenders.  The FHA website provides a list of lenders who presently participate in this program.


 I'd like to know if anyone has successfully been able to have their mortgage adjusted down as this program is believed to allow.  If so, how did it work out for you and what is your opinion of it?