Just Want everyone to know we are still doing tax, there is a lot of lies and bad rummers going around, the people saying themisjuat  trying to get and bussiness for themselfs,  and yes Andy is no longer here, reguard of what he says over 500 people have been audit. please dont taqke my word come in and we will be glad to show you on your return what he did. Andy say I show him how to do taxs I did the right way, thats why we have people fill out the forms in the office to show us what to put on your return, how ever Andy put what he wanted on your return Every body in this office will tell you I told all of them not to put nothing on your return that you didnt write on the paper. Also to clear thing up Andy is the only one I show to do tax, he then himself taught Craig I never did. everyone else in this office worked and trained at H&R; block encludeing myself, My spelling is not the greatest andy  and his friend and family make fun of that, but one thing I have never done is to lie to my customers, I have been doing this for 19 years most people that know me are aware of that, Please come in let us show you what the two people at ETS put on people taxs. Once again thanks for all the support I have got from people over the years, our number is still what it was 19 years ago 770-606-1740 Heaths and Hames Income Tax