Free Service: Dedicated to All the Spirits on Earth and Beyond

Every Tuesday- Spirit Communion Day

Every Tuesday I’ll be demonstrating oneness through evidential mediumship (mental mediumship). The way it works is that communicators (people who crossed over to the other side) will blend their energy into my auric fields and relate their personal information and messages to me in the forms of vision, smell, taste, feelings, and/or sounds so that they can be passed on to their loved ones on Earth (You).

Points of evidence that you may be able to receive from the communicators are:

  1. Personality
  2. Memory Link (Past)
  3. Memory Link (Present)
  4. Name
  5. Age
  6. Relationship
  7. Occupation
  8. Cause of passing
  9. Anniversaries
  10. Message/Other Information

There is going to be 5 sittings available every Tuesday (one person per sitting).

1st sitting: 10:30AM

2nd sitting: 11:10 AM

3rd sitting: 11:50AM

4th sitting: 12:30 PM

5th sitting: 1:10 PM

First-come, first served! Call to book for your sitting.

Please Read the Following:

Once again, this service is for free and it’s intended solely for experimental purposes. Be sure to be on time! If you cannot make it on time, please refrain from coming.

Please do not ask with whom you wish to communicate. It’s totally up to the spirit world and I have no control over who comes through during your sitting. Please be open-minded about this experiment because your energy can greatly affect the outcome of your sitting.


This is NOT a psychic reading. I’ll not be predicting your future since you have control over your future life experiences. Your life today is a result of your past beliefs and your future is being shaped by the beliefs you hold within yourself right now.

No audio recording or filming allowed.

Hypnosis for Life LLC
