All over the country, people are losing their jobs.  They are not only losing their jobs but they are losing the lifestyle that they have grown accustom.  It is a humbling experience to one day feel that you are on top of the world by having the nice house, nice job, nice clothes and nice car; then to one day lose that job, lose that house, lose that car and wonder where your next meal is coming. 

Churches teach prosperity and tell you to have faith in the Lord above, but in the midst of the storm, you can not remember anything the pastor has said in his sermon.  Your faith is shaken and spirit of survival comes to the forefront.  Some begin to panic and others backslide.  But, my brothers and sisters, remember it is said in God’s word that “He will not leave you nor forsaken you” and “He will supply your every need”.  In the midst of the storm is when prayer is needed most and your faith is most tested.  You can’t beat a soldier for God when peace is around but a scared kitty when the enemy attacks. 

When God wants to take you to another level, He may need to remove the things that you hold dear.  Think about it.  If you are making $100,000 a year, have a corner office and you hear a voice saying, quit the job, I have something better for you.  Our flesh will say, “no” because you feel you are in the right place and the right time because everything is going well.  Then one day, the company is sold or they eliminate your position.  Now, you have been pulled out of your comfort zone by force and you cry to the Lord, “why me?” 

The change in your life is not to punish you but to uplift you.  How can you have a testimony if you haven’t been through the storm?  How can you show someone how God works, if He is unable to work through you?  Trust in the Lord that He is carrying you through your storm and the footprints you are seeing are God’s not yours.  Humble yourself through this experience in your life; you will begin to see the blessings flow.  Know that God is not on your time, but He is always on time.  Keep your sight on God; he will open up a window of blessings that will overflow in your life.   Times are rough but there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Have faith and believe.