FEMA (The Federal Emergency Management Agency) has announced that it will reopen every flood insurance claim filed for Hurricane Sandy damage.

The 144,000 claims handled by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) caused so much dissatisfaction that they are being re-examined. This is a Federal government program so don't expect immediate results.  But it's good for people who felt they were harmed by the process after Sandy struck.
Call us about flood insurance at 800-548-2329.  Or continue down the page for more info on FEMA's reopening of these claims.

FEMA announced that it will:

  • Develop a process for all non-litigant Sandy victims.  If you believe your claim was improperly denied or underestimated, you may have it reviewed.

  • Guarantee that claimants can look at all engineering reports. There were accusations that the process relied on false reports.

  • Contact all Sandy claimants by mail so that all are aware of the new opportunity.

  • Create a Superstorm Sandy Task Force in April 2015.  This will evaluate the program and focus on reforms.

  • Make personnel changes at senior levels of the NFIP.

What does all this mean? Stay tuned. It's not at all clear how the review will work.  We assume claimants will have to ask to have claims reopened. But this could be a major opportunity for many claimants.

We will post more about the process when FEMA and NFIP actually have a process.

Sandy, and FEMA's handling of flood claims, left a very high percentage of claimants dissatisfied. For consumer satisfaction, and for timeliness, the private insurance market for hurricane coverage dramatically outperformed the Federal flood program.

And thanks to the four Senators, two from NJ,  at the forefront of the effort to correct this process.
Call us at 973-426-1500 for flood insurance advice and quotes, or go to http://www.gbwinsurance.com/flood_insurance_nj for more information and to leave quote requests.