A world class tea from Sri Lanka! One of our favorite Oolong teas of all time! This superior Oolong tea is full of healthy antioxidants and tastes amazing. It delivers a light character with delicate orange and toasty notes. Made with the finest black Ceylon tea, luxury green tea, luxury oolong tea, jasmine petals, and natural flavors.

The Chinese have long believed that oolong tea is beneficial in reducing and maintaining weight. A Chinese study, in 1998, of 102 females showed that continuous consumption of oolong tea for six weeks resulted in a reduction of body weight. This study, along with the question of other compounds contributing to tea's weight loss benefits, spurred further research. The increase in fat oxidation in this study is amazing! Drinking oolong tea can actually tell your body to burn fat for energy! Scientists then speculated that caffeine combined with EGCGs worked together to increase fat oxidation. A Japanese study, conducted in 2003, went one step further comparing the benefits of oolong tea and green tea on weight reduction. Eleven healthy young female students participated in this well controlled study. Participants received three different beverage formulas; 1) oolong tea, 2) powdered green tea leaves and 3) water. Both teas were prepared with boiling water. The oolong tea steeped for five minutes and the powdered green tea leaves were dissolved. After measurements were taken, the results determined; Oolong tea had higher EE levels from beginning to end and at intervals of 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. EE levels peaked at 90 minutes for both oolong and green tea and remained at their respective levels until 120 minutes. These results indicate that after consuming oolong tea you will expend more energy then if you were to drink green tea or water and that it can last up to two hours. Hot Tea - Oolong teas are best when blanched first with hot water and then reinfuse for about one minute. The leaves may be used several times, each time yielding slightly different notes.
Iced Tea - Place 6 teaspoons of tea into a heat resistant pitcher. Add 1 1/4 cups of freshly boiled water. Steep for 5 minutes. Now fill a serving pitcher about 1/4 full with fresh ice water. Add the steeped tea and then fill pitcher to top with more fresh ice water. Garnish and sweeten to taste! NOTE: Many top quality teas will cloud the water when iced. This is normal due to the tea's high content of healthy flavanoids and polyphenol antioxidants.