Reducing the amount of particulate matter that gets into our air is not a problem for the government or for science. It is a problem of the residents and visitors living and breathing in U.S. and around the world. (our olympic athletics in Beijin suffer from  smog conditions over there) but there is a way to clean our air. There are plenty of easy changes each of us can commit to do to stop polluting.

 Cars, Trucks & ATVs

Exhaust from cars is a significant contributor to the particulate pollution problem. Being the single occupant in a vehicle on a regular basis adds pollution to the air. Further, driving off-road vehicles on dirt and unpaved roads stir up particulate matter that pollutes our air unnecessarily.

Lawn & Garden Equipment

Leaf blowers and gas powered lawn and garden equipment raise large amounts of dust. The best alternative to a dust producing leaf blower is a rake or broom. The use of electric lawn and garden equipment is strongly recommended.