Many homeowners consider remodeling projects that include finished basements, but most often this area of the house is considered very low on the priority list for renovation and updating. It is certainly true that a kitchen or bathroom remodel can add a lot of functionality and value to your home, but don’t underestimate the wide range of benefits that come from having a basement that is finished and usable.

Basement renovations are not only growing in popularity, they are quickly becoming a must-have. Why? Because what better way to increase your space while maintaining the integrity of your living area than refinish your basement?

Not only do basement renovations add resale value, they add living value.Whether you are looking to create a quiet and serene getaway, a bar area and game room or movie theater space, your basement provides the perfect canvas for a reconstruction masterpiece. Find a design team who can bring your vision to life and construction experts who can execute your project with complete accuracy according to your plan.

The biggest benefit of finished basements is, of course, the extra usable space it creates in your home.  Whether you plan to use it as a playroom, a family room, a bedroom, an office, or just a finished laundry and storage area, that added space can make a significant difference in the ease and convenience of your everyday life.  In addition to extra space, a basement that is properly finished eliminates the very common problem of damp and moldy basement areas.  Water problems in the basement can cause all sorts of damage to the floor, the walls, and anything that may be stored in the basement.  Perhaps the worst impact, though, is the growth and spread of mold.  When you repair moisture problems and finish a basement area, these troubling issues go away.

An often overlooked benefit is the added dollar value that basement remodeling brings to your home.  Although practices vary from place to place, a properly finished basement can generally be included in the official square footage measurement of your house.  This of course adds to the value of your home.  Even if your basement does not fully qualify to be counted as part of the square footage, potential buyers will look at that area and recognize its value to the ease and convenience of their lifestyle.  This can make all the difference when it comes to convincing potential buyers to follow through with an offer.  From everyday living to financial value, finished basements provide many benefits to you as a homeowner.

When executing your basement renovation, make sure your contractor will:

    * Follow your wish list as closely as possible and determine how exactly you can best use your space.

    * Determine egress requirements and implement them into the finished basement design.

    * Look for any dampness and insulation issues and implement ways to correct them.

    * Keep as much vertical height as possible.

    * Design a space that incorporates the best flow, function and aesthetics within your budget.