In an attempt to make search engine results more relevant to its users, Google ranks local businesses in a separate category on its infamous first page, even above other national results. Now, when users enter a service-related search they’re being connected with the most relevant business. With an effective local SEO campaign, that could be you. 

Why Local Search is Important: Every day, thousands of people are searching for local services and products on Google (both on their computers and on their mobile devices). They’re searching for the right service, store or restaurant. The question is, can they find your business? Does you business standout from the rest?

What We Can Do: Through our Local SEO services, we can help improve your rank in the “local map results” section at the top of the Google results pages for relevant search terms. We can also help boost your ranking with optimized content, images, coupons, and more.

It’s Easier and Less Expensive Than You Might Think! We charge a small initial setup fee to build your local business listing and a reasonable monthly fee to continually optimize your listing in order to increase and maintain your rank position and exposure.

On average we are able to secure first page results within 7 to 14 business days for some keywords, and obtain first page results for 10+ keyword phrases over the life of the SEO campaign. Your business listing will also ensure that your business appears on Google maps, which is used by a wide range of websites and provides navigation on an increasing number of mobile devices.