One way to make money through an online venture is by creating your own line of custom tee-shirt; there is a huge market for these products and your client base will not be limited to just teenagers but people of all ages and from everywhere around the world are using custom tee-shirts. This is one of the easiest and least stressful ways to make money online. As a matter of fact, the creativity involved in the process almost makes it therapeutic. There are several companies online that offer tools which can be used for custom tee-shirt designing and they also let you place an order for a desired quantity of custom tee-shirts.

The primary difference between the old world screen printing versions and the internet based companies that take custom tee-shirt orders is that you don't necessarily have to get hundred of pieces with a particular design; even though that is an option; however, you could very well just get a single t-shirt with a specific design for a unique touch. So, your initial investment is very small. Start slow and as work comes in you can grow steadily. There are several takers for original custom t-shirts. However, some people feel that unless they have artistic talent, they will not be able to create and sell custom tee-shirts. There are two ways to design a custom tee-shirts, you can either get an original design made by you printed on it or if you are witty you can make do with clever slogans and phrases that can catch on real quick. Another way is to use catchy phrases with anime or other designs that will make the complete design humorous. You have a lot of options; you can work only with slogans and phrases or combine them with designs.

Screen printing is the technique used in to put you designs and your words on a t-shirt. With technological advances, companies are now using a computer to create professional looking custom t-shirts. The printing is done with special; water proof ink that can stand being washed and will not come off for a very long time. You can even dry and iron the clothes and yet the t-shirt will come out looking as good as new each time. The fabric used is equally sturdy so the t-shirts are very durable. These t-shirts can then be sold on an online store front or at an offline retail establishment. If you don't have an online storefront, you can advertise your custom tee-shirts on social networking sites; this is a wonderful way to grab the attention of customers from around the world. This is just one way to make money with the use of online tee-shirts.

Another way in which these t-shirts can help you commercially is when you use them in corporate marketing and advertising. If you own a company and would like to popularize your products or your brand through advertising, these custom tee-shirts present one of the cheapest yet astoundingly popular marketing and advertisement tools. Since you can print just about anything on these garments, go ahead and put your company's name and logo on them. You can also include your company's mission statement or information about products that you sell. Now, these t-shirts also make wonderful corporate gifts and they can not only be given to potential customers and business contacts but also to your employees.

It is a wonderful way to create an environment that promotes values such as teamwork, confidence, reliability and loyalty towards the organization. If you would like to gift your employees items that bear the company's name and logo; you can choose from a myriad of products from cups to stationary items and apparels such as custom tee-shirts, jackets and sweatshirts. Most of these items can be ordered in bulk and are incredibly cheap. These companies can also create a gift hamper for you comprising of products that have your company's name and logo on them. Such hampers are the ideal gift item to promote your company's brand image.