With over 20 years of experience, we can assist you through the process of preparing your Trust, Will, Power of Attorney and Healthcare Directives. This can be a complicated process and we are here to assist you. We consult with you to determine your individual family situation and assets, to work with you to prepare a plan that best fits your needs. We also work with you to implement this plan when the time comes, along with your loved ones, to carry out your wishes. When a loved one has passed, we can help you through the process, whether there is a Trust to be administered or a Probate is needed. All estates need to have assets and debts determined, property managed and tax liability assessed before property can be distributed. In a will, someone is named as executor. If there is no will, the Court will appoint an executor and the assets will be distributed according to California law. The executor will file documents in the local Probate Court and prove the validity of the will. Heirs and creditors will be notified of the death. The executor finds and secures the assets of the estate. The executor decides how the debt is managed, including selling property. The Probate process usually takes nine to eighteen months. There are so many emotions to deal with when you lose a loved one. There are also a lot of decisions to make and there are legal matters and obligations to consider. We provide the support you need to deal with a loved ones property and debts and to make good decisions. Know exactly how to handle the estate of your loved ones with an experienced Probate lawyer on your side, while you deal with the grief and emotion of your loss. Make certain that the right people inherit your possessions at the right time when you die. Minimize taxes, legal fees, and court costs, too. You pass on more in your estate than just valuables. You pass on values. You can see to it that family members with special needs are taken care of.