solar insecticidal lamps, as well as the recent comparison of the new fire Rural solar street light. Through the survey we found that many of my friends on the price of solar lawn lamp is not very understanding, this article will be from a professional point of view for everyone to analyze the price of solar lawn light. Specific price reference
Yu-ray light solar lawn light. Speaking of the price of solar lawn light, first of all we should know the price of solar lights and what factors related. The impact of solar lawn light price factors: first. Look at the solar street light solar panels: solar panel prices seem to be relatively low in the last six months, to choose more, a large number of recommendations to buy good quality. And can not blindly map cheap, because the market a lot of ultra-low price of the battery is to use low-performance films and debris to do. Second, to see what kind of street lamp, the quality of different grades will be a lot of difference. The general is to use LED lights, but to buy the poor, light failure serious, not long after the dark, so do not light at the time of the solar street lamp lamp cheap, its performance can be set no good price solar street lamp head good. Third is to look at the solar street lamp battery: the price slightly fluctuates. Good quality of the relationship between the maintenance costs, to the project for the old battery is also a lot of money, so the solar street lamp is a problem can not be ignored. Fourth is to look at the height of solar street light pole selection: 5 meters -12 meters or even higher; there are inside and outside diameter to determine the wall thickness, flange; whether hot-dip galvanized paint; with the number of materials also determine the price. Fifth is to look at the solar street light controller is currently dedicated to do the controller is not much, although the controller in the entire system occupies the position of the core (if the controller, however, the efficiency is not that may also be the battery In the process of purchasing solar lawn light, we must first choose the quality of reliable and regular manufacturers, because many manufacturers in the process of manufacturing products, cut corners, resulting in product quality greatly reduced. Hope that this article can help those who want to buy solar street lights friends, and finally, according to Yu-ray light, the person in charge introduced to the solar street light as a new type of sustainable development of energy, now and in the future will be widely used。

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