Self Adhesive Tape Manufacturers Adhesive Tape Manufacturers Suppliers, Wholesale

Visit for detailsaccording to the business requirements are not the same, double-sided cloth tape and single-sided tape two tapes. 3, at present we use yellow duct tape in the pulp and paper industry, many are imported. Only in China, Jiangsu.4, duct tape can be classified by color: black duct tape, silver gray red duct tape, green duct tape, duct tape, white duct tape, this six-tape yellow duct tape.Bond adhesive products company limited, Wuxi is the production and distribution of various types of packaging materials business, the main "State" brand series of adhesive tape. Includes class BOPP, double-sided, crepe paper, kraft paper, foam and duct tape and various special tape.Electrical tape guideMany customers tape electrical tape and electrical tape and plastic tape. Electrical insulating tape includes a wide range:Are: a electrical black tape (it's a wide area around voltages up to 380 kV wires and connectors.Two categories are: PVC electrical tape (commonly known as: plastic tape) is mainly used for indoor and outdoor wire connector and automotive wire wrap and insulation protection of electronic components. For a voltage not exceeding 600 v.The third category: rubber self-adhesive insulating tape (also called high pressure self-adhesive tape) used in wire and cable connectors and high voltage insulation protection products accessories. Generally used for voltage 1-10 kV or 30,000 volts insulated seal protection. Features: high pressure, sealed and insulated waterproof.Principle and properties of flame retardant tapeI produced a special flame retardant flame retardant such as acetic acid cloth adhesive tape tape, the reason is in the glue, add a flame retardant. Flame retardant flame retardant is mainly from the following aspects:1, the dilution effect. Combustible in dilute PSA concentration and the concentration of oxygen in the combustion process;