Today was a mixed bag of emotions for me. On the one hand, I'm thrilled with our traffic today. We had as many as five couples at one time shopping in our showroom. The parking lot was full and our designers were hopping! I'm not sure if it was from the wonderful press we've received and our super ads in Lodi Monthly, San Joaquin Magazine, and the Lodi News-Sentinel, or maybe the beautiful day that made everyone want to update their homes. I've even entertained the thought that we, as a city, state, nation, may be pulling out of this "recession." Whatever the cause, I was a happy camper for about an hour -- about the time it took me to get ready and get to work.
When I got here, my designers told me that several people had left because they hadn't had time to get over to them. That's when my heart sank. After all, how can we espouse Effortless Home Improvement if it's a big effort for our potential clients to talk to a designer? So I sit here wondering, do I increase staffing on Saturdays or was this a fluke? I figured I could come in every Saturday and help out (after all, what's another 7 hours a week?) until I realized I have plans for the next five Saturdays!! My thinking cap is definitely on because there's nothing worse than a would-be-client leaving without speaking to a soul.Have I ever been so frustrated at not being helped that I just left a store? I think so. Was I so frustrated that I vowed never to come back or did I understand that it was just a case of bad timing? I'm not sure! I hope the latter, but I'm guessing the former.It's not a matter of cost because our designers are paid by project, not hourly. But, to have multiple designers sitting on an empty showroom floor is a sure-fire way to lose good talent. I think hiring a receptionist might be the trick. Someone who can welcome customers, get them a drink and a cookie, show them around and perhaps get some information might just solve the problem. On slow days, I surely have enough paperwork to occupy this person's time! I think that's just the ticket. Now, if only those folks that left come back and give us a second chance!Until next time, may you have peace in your hearts and smiles on your faces.