Don't let the weight of all your debts suffocate you for another day. Find debt relief when you work with our bankruptcy attorneys today. We are located between Portland Ave and Meridian Ave on Northwest 23rd St our office is on the Southside of the road. We have a white sign with a YELLOW bankruptcy sign on it. Serving the Western Oklahoma district for more than 22+ years. When it comes to making big decisions with regard to your debt, you need to have all of the facts and information available so you're able to decide which option is right for YOU! Know your options by speaking with one of our experienced attorneys. An accident, illness or injury and even the loss of a job can have your debts spiraling out of control in no time. If you find yourself suffocating under a mound of heavy debt, you need to know that relief is just a phone call away! Provided you are careful with your finances after having your debts discharged under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy code, your credit may not suffer nearly as badly as you may have heard. In fact, you may even be able to begin re-establishing a positive credit rating almost right away. Be sure to speak with our experienced attorneys about all of your options prior to committing to a final decision. If your debts have gotten out of control and you're avoiding answering the telephone because of collections calls, there is a way for you to get the creditors off your back and buy yourself time to restructure your finances so you can pay all of your creditors in-full. Evenings & Weekends: By appointment only.