Austin SEO Company, Curved Marketing, Inc. has a different philosophy on what SEO is all about. It can be summed up with two words; "BE HELPFUL".
The founder, Clyde McElroy, has been involved in Internet Marketing, Keyword Research, Domain Names and ranking websites higher in search engines since 1995.It's all about the content. Link building schemes and that sort of thing are temporary solutions and must be maintained every month at a huge cost to continue to be effective.However, great content that is optimized for your keywords, that is interesting to readers, and that is written in such a way that it improves lead generation and sales lasts forever and you pay for that only once.Great content will also get you those links everyone says you need. First, people naturally bookmark and share great content with their friends. Secondly, great, original content can be placed strategically on sites that already have a lot of traffic.Examples are building Google Knol Pages, Hub Pages at, A lens at, or even writing this blog post as I am right now.This blog post will link to my website. I've built a link, but I've also shared useful information for others to learn from. I've added value to the web with just this small post. If you add value to the web, your website will become valuable to others.As I said in the beginning of this post, if you want to lean how to be successful on the web, be helpful. Add content in places where it will help others learn something or even post something that makes them laugh. Either way, they like you and FaceBook proves that being "liked" is important.So promote content, don't just build links. Buying or trading links is temporary. Promoting great, original content is permanent.In the spirit of being helpful, I'll give you a free website and Internet Marketing Plan Analysis. This is not a sales pitch. I will look over your website with you and within a few minutes I'll give you a list of things you can do to improve your results. Being helpful has made me successful. Let me show how it can work for you as well. Go to and fill out the form or call me at 512-322-9566 for your free SEO Analysis.