Well, you can learn plenty about myself by visiting my LinkedIn profile page here:

My LinkedIn Profile

But what kinds of services does the firm I’m with perform?  Ah, there’s the germane question of the day.  A man recently related an incredible story to me, so perhaps it’s best I begin there.

He said he was out flying his Cessna on a beautiful cloudless day–a solo joyride, if you will.  Unfortunately, he began to feel a tingling sensation, and before he knew it he was having a stroke.  He managed to keep the plane aright, but the stroke affected his occipital lobe, leaving him blind.

Blind and airborne–not exactly the most inviting of situations to find oneself in, I can imagine.

Unfortunately, many business owners conduct business almost exactly like this pilot, operating their businesses from a position of uncertainty or poor information.  That’s where we come in.  As a business financial consultant, I work with the owners to put actionable information at their fingertips.  I work to basically create an “instrument panel” for the business owner, so he or she can visually see how their company is performing at any given time.

The information we provide extends beyond just the basic set of financial statements, but often delves deeper into operational analysis to help improve profitability and keep the business on sound financial footing.  In a nutshell, we find answers, reduce uncertainty, and get control.  This puts the business owner back in the driver’s seat of a profitable company so they can get back to what they do best–running a successful enterprise.

Now, what specifically does this look like?  See our services tab for more information, or visit our website: CFO Consultants for more information.

Oh, now to wrap up that story (I didn’t mean to hold you  in suspense).  The pilot was able to radio for help and get a pilot to come and shadow him and talk him through a successful landing.