I get asked frequently what someone can do to keep 
their car safely on the road.Here are the key four things I always suggest. Doesn't matterwhere you do it but it will save youa lot of problems.  Here goes:1. Do regular recommendedmaintenance. Your car's makerpublishes a list of things to checkand when. Your service shop willhave more suggestions that canprevent problems and breakdowns.2. Focus on regular checkups.For example, your regular oilchange is a great time for a servicefacility to check important safetyand reliability items. Truth is, mostoil change shops just change oiland some other fluids. Don't missthe chance to have your vehiclechecked over for growing problems.3. Tend to early symptoms beforemajor problems arise. Mentionyour concerns during regular serviceor make a quick consult byphone or visit. Not everythingneeds immediate attention. Youcan delay some items if you arewilling to put up with temporaryinconvenience. Have your shophelp you set priorities betweenurgent and important repairs youneed.4. Find a good shop to partnerwith. Dealerships can be good butexpensive and inconvenient. Majorservice chains are better but theirregular turnover in advisors makesit hard to build relationships. Manyfind that a local shop with goodtechnical resources (including theservice records for your car), comfortablesurroundings, and a staffwho cares gives them the best outcomes.Asking friends who theyuse is a great way to find someoneyou can trust.Safe driving! - Randy