Today I was asked a question by a fellow notary that made me ponder for few a moments before I replied.  He asked me how I "do it" with so much competition in my area(?). 

"Do It?" Meaning successfully run my Notary Loan Signing Business?  Competition? I thought,  YIKES!  Well, I guess it is out there, but I haven't based my business practice or motives on the woes of my competitors.  As a matter of a fact, I have to honestly say that I have learned from the best, in my opinion, both local and afar.  (AFAR?  Ok, Cheryl...ease up on the "SHREK" lingo!)

Seriously, though, I constantly challenge myself and push myself to market my business.  Perhaps because if I don't, this so-called competition will.  So, I do check out the business practices of those that are seemingly successful at what they do, (not necessarily all Notary Signing Agents, either). I've talked to some of the VERY best in our industry.  Wow...They ARE VERY PLEASANT people, afterall!  I take notes. I apply reasonable and attainable business ideas and press forward with fortitude and entrepreneurial perseverence.

My "competition" is my fellow notary. Ok, Yeah, so what.  Over 400 + notary signing agents just in my general vicinity alone. (and my phone still rings).  I guess this is what he was implying. 

I'm fully aware of the competitive market.  But I don't see it in a bad way.  I am working everyday.  I am getting calls regularly.   Yet, I have no awe-inspiring secret to success story...(Well, not yet, anyway!)

I see others in this industry as constant reminders that I must do a very, VERY good job in my business, and to work harder and make sure that there are no cross every "t", dot every "i", make a good impression (notarial seal impression, that is), and do the best that I can do for my clients...

To me, my so-called competition are my comrades, my leaders-who show me great opportunities, my followers-whom I must show great opportunities to as well...I see this as having a competitive edge. 


Thank You For Enduring Yet Another Piece of Me.

Cheryl Lee Anderson, Notary Signing Agent