This subject is a constant question to most people and businesses that own property, buildings or homes.  Certainly sometimes the answer is obvious, if there is a puddle on the floor everytime it's probably time to repair the roof.  But, sometimes the answers isn't quite so obvious.  Your business has grown, you need additional equipment, you have twins on the way, etc.  Or, maybe your roof isn't leaking but it is 20 years old.
The real question becomes what is a choice and what is a necessity?  Can I/we afford this?  Who should I have do this work?  The list goes on and on.Well, my thoughts are as follows:If you need to build, this is a great time.  The cost of borrowing money, if you need to, is at an all time low!   Just be sure what you build and who you choose to build it will meet your needs, requirements and expectations.If your property has been in need of repairs, hasn't had maintenance in a while, or is showing the signs of age, consider what is most critical and make a list and work through that list, in order of importance.  There is one thing I can assure you.  If you don't take care of your property, maintain it, care for it, and do those things to keep it from deteriorating, it will cost you more later.  This is a classic case of sooner is always better than later.
Last but not least, is it time to redo that Kitchen, Bath, Family Room, Reception Area, Shop Layout, Entrance, Windows or Doors?  The answer is maybe.  Do you need to change your image?  Does the room currently meet your needs? Do you feel it sends your friends and customers the wrong image?  Is it just boring and stale?  Only you can answer those questions, but if you feel any or all of those are true, and the economy hasn't destroyed you fianancially, this is a good time to invest.  Home prices and commercial real estate prices are starting to rise again.  Construction and renovation costs however, remain at historically low levels.  So your investement will likely add more value to your property than the costs to do whatever needs or wants to be done.Please feel free to contact us if any of these questions remain in your mind.  Keep in mind ClearVisions family of Companies, can offer you free estimates, inspections and recommendations.  We have in-house design experts ready to consult with you about your needs.  Please Have a safe and healthy Holiday!  Contact us at