3-Day Cleanse:
WHAT IS IT? A nutrient dense, calorie-restricted eating plan designed to either “jump start” your weight loss, “break” your plateau, or just “clean up” your system!!WHAT CAN I EAT – EACH DAY FOR 3 DAYS?
  • Upon Waking:      1 cup of green tea (no milk, no sugar)
  • 7 am Breakfast:      Shakeology – with water (8-10 oz), ice and an optional ½ cup fruit ONLY
  • 10 am Snack:          1 piece of fruit (your choice)
  • 12pm Lunch:     Shakeology – with water (8-10 oz),  and ice ONLY; followed by a cup of green tea (no milk, no sugar)
  • 2pm Snack:      Shakeology – with water (8-10 oz), and ice ONLY (may have snack after dinner instead)
  • 5pm Dinner:      Salad – 3 cups of veggies, 4 oz of white protein ONLY, 2 tbs. dressing (preferably natural). 


Times above are suggestions only.
You are allowed NO dairy during this 3-day cleanse (no milk, including soy and/or almond milk).  If you are working out or of a certain size (extreme workouts are not recommended during the 3-day cleanse), you may add 10 almonds or ½ banana in addition to aboveDrink as much water as you can stand!Everyone will not lose weight, but you will notice a feeling of clarity and energy by the 3rd day.Suggested:  Measure your belly at your belly button, 1’ above your belly button and 1’ below before AND after your cleanse!  On average, people lost 3.9 lbs on the 3-day cleanse!   Contact me with questions:  (718) 710-0300 or Rob@Rob3Fitness.comTo order a the shakeology portion of the cleanse (9 individual servings) go to www.BOcleanse.com, pick your flavor, and order!
Ready to add shakeology to your regular dietary regiment order shakeology  at www.Rob3Shakes.comFree Shipping (and a free shaker cup) on Home Direct Orders!