Picking the correct versatile application approach can be troublesome. But keeping few factors in mind and little analysis can take you to the right conclusion.

Options which we got are

  • Hybrid Mobile App  (Cross Platform)- allows standard web technologies like HTML and JavaScript to be applied on a mobile device either for iOS or Android
  •  Native Mobile App Choices (Cross Platform)-Though it works same as hybrid bit it allows the packaged app to work directly with mobile operating system It runs faster and the development process is easier.
  •  Fully Native Choices (Platform Specific)-Offers Google’s and Apple’s toolkit and give stand-alone development for separate languages respectively

Here are some factors we need to analyze while selecting a framework.

Speed-Speed of an app definitely makes a huge difference and this can be deciding factor. Make sure framework you are choosing can help you get desired speed. Best figure is 60fps which is rare and can be achieved using Native app platform.

Specific Feature- Not all platforms support all features. Make sure features we want to integrate into the app should be supportable via framework on various devices.

Development Cost-Development cost varies from platform to platform. Using cross-platform can save your cost as it allows developers to use the same code for both iOS and Android.

Development Time-What is the timeframe you want your app to be built. Surely, developing your app on cross-platform takes less time than developing on native platforms separately for both iOS and Android.

Community and support-If you think that your app requires regular changes and the addition of features in regular interval then choose the platform for which you can find easy support and community driven to help. As it helps to update your app and other tech supports.

Trends and relevance-Many times your target audience and domain of app can lead you towards the appropriate framework. Take wise decision after analyzing your target users and specific features.

So going through above points can lead you to come out with best platform you require to build your app.

Though choosing appropriate platform is important but your app development process should meet the right hands in the industry. With the rapid growth in App Development Company in Noida, several companies popped up and claim to give the best solutions. We at BrainMobi understand your specific needs and execute the project with the utmost agility.

Experienced and skilled developers

Strong testing team

Stunning UI/UX and

Affordable cost

Everything at one place

For further discussion regarding your project just shoot an email to sales@brainmobi.com