Need New Reading Material? Check Out These Bio Thrillers!

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Do thrillers keep you on edge when you are reading? Do you find them hard to put down? Techno-thrillers are all the rage right now, and bio thrillers fall into this category. These are stories that center on pathogens or plagues. There are no zombies, however. Are you interested in reading about a superflu ravaging the country? Or, do you want to read a novel about ecoterrorists trying to take over the world? Does the idea of a biohazard cleanup send little shivers of terror down your spine? If that sounds good to you, bio thrillers are should definitely be on your reading list.


Bio thrillers fall into many different categories. Some are mysteries and some are downright scary. They are great to read when you want to immerse yourself into a fictional world and set aside your normal responsibilities for a short period of time. The following five bio thrillers are

all novels that you should consider reading next.

1. Stephen King’s The Stand

Stephen King is often regarded as the founder of bio thrillers, so it makes sense that he tops the list here. The Stand centers around the devastating effects of a superflu. If you haven’t read this book yet, it is the time that you rectified that. The novel is so highly regarded that several movies are based on it, and it was even made into a comic book. Those that haven’t read it are normally familiar with it.

2. Anderson and Beason’s Ill Wind

Written by Kevin J. Anderson and Doug Beason, Ill Wind is a disaster novel about a bacteria. In the story, a company tries to mitigate the disastrous effects of an oil spill by putting out a bacteria that eats oil. However, what the company doesn’t know is that an ecoterrorist has altered the bacteria so that it eats both oil and everything that has oil in it. There are a few other books out there that revolve around this same theme, including Uglies by Scott Westerfeld and Petrophage by Amy Rogers.

3. Dave Edlund’s Deadly Savage

Think about what would happen if someone turned the smallpox disease into a weapon. Smallpox isn’t on most people’s radar anymore, but alarm bells were raised when a few samples were discovered at a lab in Maryland. The lab was close to D.C. and it was unsecured. In this novel, a man named Peter Savage is trying to keep smallpox from getting back out into society and devastating the world. Because smallpox isn’t a threat anymore, humans don’t receive the vaccination these days.

4. Robin Cook’s Outbreak

Outbreak was made into a television movie years ago; it focuses on an Ebola outbreak that happens in America. At the time that it was written, there was no vaccine for Ebola, so the idea of an outbreak was terrifying. It’s still scary, and there’s a great female protagonist to boot. No one wants to think about the way that Ebola ravages the body, so this book still has a lot of relevance in today’s world.

5. Ian Stuart’s The Satan Bug

This book was written more than fifty years ago, but it is still a page-turner. The premise revolves around a theft; someone takes botulism and poliovirus from a lab, both devastating diseases that could wipe out the human race. The book is by a British author, so it may be a little different than what you’ve read in the past. The ending, in particular, is really interesting and many people don’t see it coming. Like many of the other books on this list, a movie from the 60s was based on the novel.

There are a lot of bio thrillers to choose from. Some revolve around diseases and others revolve around toxins. For example, Zodiac by Neal Stephenson is a popular choice. However, if you are just getting into this genre, the five books above are a great place to begin. You’ll never think about smallpox in the same way again.

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