In this day and age, a business without a website is a business that is losing revenue. There is no such thing as enough, not in business. Who goes into a business and convinces themselves they are making enough money? I will tell you who, people who don't know how to handle growth. If you are going to invest money so you can make more money, then do what needs to be done and shed any fear associated with such a venture.
Now a days, phonebooks are pretty much obsolete, and flyers are annoying to the point of anger. Three viable options remain, TV commercials which are very expensive and short lived, Radio advertisements expensive and short lived, Then we got a website on the internet, which is very long term and can be very affordable if you shop around. Granted I am writing this blog because I have a service to offer, but at the same time I am hoping to enlighten people on how few affordable options we have to advertise our businesses in a volatile market that is draining our pockets. Business expenses are always there, but if new customers don't come in those constant business expenses will ruin you. Yes, that is where BCIS Enterprises came in! We made this company because we felt the prices some of these web designing companies charge are outrages and we wanted to give the struggling and successful business owner a chance to get a quality website for an affordable price. We do not only build an affordable custom website, we host it, maintain it, fully support it, and get you a domain name of your choice if you don’t already have one, and all for flat price. We also support, E-Commerce, Marketing Designs, and many media plug-ins.