Building&Retrofitting Green Homes Part #1


Over the next few weeks we will be discussing green building and other ways of going green around your existing home, I hope this will get you all thinking about how you can help conserve energy and help you save money.


Build to suit your site. Instead of cutting all the trees on your lot, use existing trees and plant new ones for passive solar heating and cooling, drought-resistant plants and adequate drainage systems will also help keep the exterior in line with a green home model.    If building a new home you can position your house and add extra windows so that low-angled rays from the winter sun will flood south-facing rooms, reducing dependence on expensive sources of energy.  Investigate the area you live in to learn about your environment when designing or planning a retrofit for a green home. For example, light-color exteriors the siding will reflect heat from the sun, benefiting homes in warmer regions, and darker exteriors absorb heat for warmth in cold climates. Also don’t forget the roofing material I see this problem everyday people think that black or dark brown asphalt shingles look great but not only do they heat your home excessively during the summer months but they wear out much sooner than a lighter color of the same quality.

Remember to always choose your construction materials wisely and build with sustainable woods, recycled, reusable, and durable materials.

  As always you should use common sense and proper safety equipment and if

 You are not sure about something consult with a professional.


U.S. Green Building Council