How Do I Choose Kitchen Cabinets?

Making a decision on cabinets and where to buy them can be very stressful. Cabinets are the focal point of every kitchen and bath, and they set the tone for the inside of your home.  

However, looks can be deceiving.  Cabinets are made with a variety of construction techniques and materials in order to offer various levels of quality and pricing. Then there are other options to consider like extension drawers, drawer bottoms, sides and backs, slides, hinges, and joints, just to mention a few
If you shop around you’ll usually find quality cabinets that are within your budget without having to dip into your savings account.  Since cabinets can consume 40 to 60 percent of your kitchen and bath budget it’s important to shop around. 


Make a pact with your spouse and agree not to fall in love with a cabinet manufacturer based  on a particular wood grain, color, or style since you can probably get something similar from a competitor.  Stop and think about your needs and choose your cabinets based on needed storage space and your lifestyle as well as your budget.  And of course, don’t forget to check out the reputation of your cabinet supplier.

Where do I start?

First make a list of the likes and dislikes of your current kitchen cabinets.  Do you have small children or are you at a stage in your life where entertaining is important?  Do you have enough space?  How about positioning and layout?

Do you have enough space with your current kitchen cabinets or is everything poorly organized.  Deciding what you don’t like about your current cabinets will go a long way toward helping you decide on your new cabinets.  

If you could change one thing about your current design what would it be?  Do you have items on your countertops because you don’t have enough space to store them away?  

How long to plan on keeping your home?  If you’re going to sell in a few years then you may consider making some concessions this time around.  Save money this time so you’ll have more to spend on your next project.