Get the assistance you need in all areas of law, including personal injury, bankruptcy, Social Security, real estate, wills, trusts, and much more. Call for a FREE consultation. Enjoy the personal attention and dedication you'll receive from our attorneys. Have direct access to your lawyer and our dedicated staff whenever you have questions about your case. Trust in our more than 46 years of combined experience among our law firm.Filing for bankruptcy is a difficult decision to make for you and your family. We will answer all your questions and explain your options and what to expect with filing a bankruptcy. We have handled thousands of bankruptcy cases over the years and helped people save their homes and assets and eliminate debt so that individuals can obtain a fresh start.The cost of filing a bankruptcy is typically based on flat fee and filing fee. In the event, your case is complex and involved the fee may be based on an hourly basis.Contingency fees: Most of our legal services for the personal injury claims are provided on a contingency basis. This means that you will not be charged any attorney fees unless you win. Our attorney fee is based on a agree upon percentages of the total amount we collect for you. You may be responsible for all out-of-pocket expenses and costs. These costs are reimbursed to us from your share of the settlement or recovery.Our firm can also protect your assets by forming various trusts during your lifetime to pass your assets to family members and heirs and reduce possible inheritance taxes and federal estate taxes. We will determine the type of Trust based on your intentions wishes and complexity of your situation and whether minor children are involved.