There is nothing more frightening than being involved in a car accident.  Like most drivers, I am sure that you are careful and you never think that it will happen to you.  However, if you are aware of what steps to take ahead of time, then you can protect yourself from further harm when emotions are running high and mistakes can be made. Make a copy of this article and keep it in your glove compartment or front seat console for when the unthinkable happens.

Check List Follow A Car Accident

Check for injuries

Make sure that everyone in each vehicle is safe and find out if anyone is in need of immediate medical attention.  If someone has either neck or back pain or is unconscious, you will want to leave them unmoved and wait for emergency personnel unless they are in immediate danger of being further injured if left in place. If they are bleeding, every effort should be made to stop the bleeding and wait for emergency personnel.  If you or a passenger in your vehicle has been injured, make an effort to take a few notes on exactly what they are suffering. 

Never discuss the accident with the other driver(s) 

It is tempting to discuss what just happened with everyone involved, but it is your best interest to refrain from this discussion.  You want to especially refrain from discussing your actions prior to the accident, even if the accident was not your fault.  Should you need to take legal action, this discussion could seriously hurt your case.  Following the incident, do not discuss the car accident with a lawyer representing the other driver or their insurance company.  Make sure that you have proper representation before making any statements of any kind, even statements meant to clarify what happened. 

User your cell phone and take photos and make notes regarding the damage.
Make sure you include both cars in your photos from as many angles as possible as soon as the accident happens.  Never assume that the damage was minor and you don’t need photos.  An insurance adjuster will want to see the photos to help assess the damage and you will have proof, should the accident end up in litigation.  It is wise to carry a small notebook in your car and take good notes regarding what happened, the extent of the damage and any remarks that are made by the other driver.

Contact the local police 

Even if you are involved in a minor “fender bender,” you should call the police and have a complete report of what happened.  This report can be used to protect you against liability or being found at fault at a later date.  Discuss all of the details of the accident with the officer, and not other people involved in the car accident.
Make sure that you have contact and insurance information from the other driver

Before you leave the scene of the accident, make sure that you have the following information from the other driver:

Full name

Phone numbers – work, home, cell

Address – home and place of employment

License plate number

Driver’s license information

Insurance information – company and agent


Also, gather the passengers’ contact information, including phone numbers and addresses.                       

Make sure you contact your insurance company immediately. 

If possible, call your insurance company from the scene to make sure they are aware of what happened; they can ask you pertinent questions that you may not have considered.  Be willing to provide all needed information and tell them about any injuries. Do not try and hide or minimize the effect of the accident. You may be denied coverage if you are later discovered to not have fully disclosed everything regarding the car accident.
The primary consideration is to ensure that everyone is safe after an accident, and to seek immediate medical attention if this is not the case.  After that, you want to ensure that you are protected legally whether you decide to seek legal remedies or the other parties involved in the accident hire legal representation.  

At Hood Law Firm, we are here to protect you in the event of an accident that results in their personal harm or property damage.  If you have any doubts after a car accident, give us a call and we can guide you as to the best action for your specific situation.