What a wild ride this year has been. You may have noticed that we missed the last 2(!) newsletters. Why? Hurricane Gustav hit us hard! With no power for two weeks in September, we got way behind and only caught up two weeks ago.


In a time of devastation, like Gustav, God reminds us about priorities. It was re-enforced that protecting and caring for our families should be our top priority – always.


Our house was not damaged (luckily) so the only priority I had was keeping my family fed. Because we had to cook over a fire, I took over all of the cooking duties the first few days (thank you Boy Scouts of America!).


I experienced the family priority from the point of view of a son – on the fourth day without power, my dad purchased a generator and brought it to us. He went without so that his son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren could have power.


When power returned, we stopped the active pursuit of new business – prioritizing our clients over business growth – something that is now company policy. If we are attempting to meet a deadline for a client, we will cancel appointments with prospects in order to meet it. Thank you all who bared with us during this difficult time.


You are our company’s top priority,

Brockwell Bone

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