In the landscaping business, we look forward to spring, summer and fall. All are great times to work outside and get things done. This spring we have had unusually cool weather in the Atlanta area with lots of rain. Getting work done has been challenging because of the rain and mud. Temperatures are risings now, though, and it looks like we are headed straight into summer with dry hot days and occasional afternoon thundershowers.

Watering is essential for plants in the heat – especially once the ground starts to dry out a little. Thankfully, the "powers that be" finally realized that we are no longer in the water deficit situation and have lifted watering bans in Georgia. We are thrilled! Thrilled for our existing customers and their plants they watched suffer last year, and thrilled for our new customers as we can now install irrigation with the assurance that it can be used and the plants will get watered and thrive.

It is always important to conserve our natural resources, water being one of the most important, so it is vital to give your irrigation system a checkup. Setting the time for watering a zone is something that we do for our customers when we install the system. The watering needs of grass are different from those of shrubs and trees, so make sure you don't change the programming. Also keep an eye out for breaks that might have occurred in the lines by looking for water coming out of the ground. Heavy equipment (even cars) can damage lines.

Mulching is also extremely important for plants during the hot summer months. Everyone knows the mulch holds water in the soil, but it also helps to keep the plants roots cool in the hot summer sun. Plants need at least 1.5 – 2 inches of mulch.

Call us at Angel Land Designs if you have any questions about your irrigation or mulching. It is also a great time to get work done on your landscape. If you want to improve the value of your home, invest in the landscaping! Call Angel Land Designs at 770.422.8440 to schedule your complimentary evaluation and estimate!