When you hear the word fear what do you think of? Many people associate the word fear with frightening creatures like spiders or a thought runs through their minds involving death. You might be surprised to hear that for a great number of people, the biggest fear is public speaking. There are a lot of bright, outgoing college students sitting in classrooms all over the nation today that can share their thought-provoking comments freely, in a relaxed, stress-free and convivial environment. However, when it comes time to carrying out a public presentation, they will start to tremble with apprehension. Those who suffer from this type of anxiety will typically stumble on their words, and often appear severely nervous in front of their peers.
The thought of getting in front of an audience can stress many people out, because they want to make the best impression they can. Many entrepreneurs have to speak in front of large crowds, therefore it is important for them to master public speaking. Below is a list of tips of how to become a better public speaker.1.    Keep it simple. Do not provide your audience with an over the top, in-depth speech. Instead, give them the most valuable knowledge pertaining to your subject. 2.    Use Power point. Make your slides short, sweet and visually appealing. You should also use them sparingly. If your audience is focusing too much of their attention on slides, they may refrain from paying attention to you.3.    Record yourself. This may sound silly, however you do not know how others see you until you see yourself on camera. You may have nervous habits that only a camera can reveal to you. Most laptops have a built in camcorder. Try practicing your speech in front of it while recording. 4.    Begin and end with a bang. Capturing an audience’s attention can be quite tricky. You want to begin your speech with an intriguing quote, photo or even a joke. Do not be afraid to get creative. The ending of your speech is just as important as the beginning because it is your final impression. A great way to end your speech is by challenging the audience to utilize the information you just provided to them. 5.    Dress well. According to a study published in the New York Times, a professor at the Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University stated that our clothing attire impacts how other people identify us. American Speakers Bureau provides clients with top-notch public speakers. Our database includes successful entrepreneurs and authors. To learn more about our company please look at our website.