All Star DC Tour 800-423-0829
The Rutledge family from Indiana booked our Washington DC Tour and everyone loved the experience.  As we left the hotel, Columbus Circle was the first stop.  Many people pass the statute everyday without knowing the Knights of Columbus has an annual ceremony honoring Christopher Columbus.  The US  Botanial Garden was next to see the international plant exhibit.  We arranged for a tour of the US Capitol Building for the family then moved to the American History Museum.  Of course, The Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial won the kids hearts.  They were writing a school report and to see the actual places increased their excitement.  A stop at the Bureau of Engraving and the National Archive Building was a plus. The 2 day tour included a trip to the Baltimore National Harbor for the kids to visit the Harbor Aquarium and sample Maryland crab cakes.  The best feature stated by Mrs. Rutledge was " we would not have had the opportunity to see and visit all the locations using the regular tour services.  Your ability to customize and make suggestions really made the difference for our family".